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    Post: Is this legal

    Posted by Mary on 5/20/08

    About one month ago, I was offered two similar positions at
    two different hotels. I explained the situation to the 2
    company that I interviewed with that was about 35 min away
    from my home (the first place was 2 min). The second place
    matched the salary at the other place, offered me a salaried
    position, which technically made me a manager with better
    benefits and they were very excited about my educations,
    recognized my hard work and enthusiasm in wanting to move up
    quickly, since I just graduated college, but know that I
    couldnt start as the GM right away. They said they could
    see me moving up very fast and see my being a gm in time. I
    discussed with them that I was looking for a career and the
    ability to stay within one company and move up within. They
    ensured me that this was very possible and that I would be a
    great "investment" to their establishment. They also told
    me about several other properties that they owned and said
    their is always room for advancement and promotions. So I
    accepted the position and turned down the one closet to my
    house, I was also offered several other positions after I
    had started working and stopped pursuing other
    opportunities. I began working the front desk to train on
    the computer, I continued and continued to work on the front
    desk eventhough I had learned what I needed to, to do the
    position I would eventually be in. I was also never ordered
    a uniform and everytime I asked about it, they said they
    would be placing an order soon. Well about 2 weeks ago a
    Dir of Sales was hired and about a week ago, I was finally
    given a desk to move into. I began to train in my new
    position and on Monday, exactly one month and four days of
    employment, the gm who hired me calls me into her office and
    says that they have eliminated my position because there is
    no need for 4 sales people in the hotel. First, I do not
    understand why they hired me in the first place and gave me
    all the promise of a secure long term employment for it to
    only be one month. I was not offered any severance or
    another position anywhere. My concern is not that they
    eliminated the position, but for breaking the verbal
    contract of long term employment (I was scheduled for a
    conf. in august and had prior approval to have my wedding
    weekend off a year later) I was also everyday being told
    that I was being trained to eventually be a sales manager
    and move up from there. My concern is with them convincing
    me to take their position and me giving up the other
    position that if I would have taken I would still have. I
    also spent 2 months looking for a position and am having to
    start that entire process all over again, because they were
    not honest with me. I just would like to know my legal
    rights at this point in the process.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is this legal, 5/20/08, by Mary.
  • Re: Is this legal, 5/25/08, by saharwinston.

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