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    Posted by TMB on 5/23/08

    I was resently fired from my job for HIPAA violation. My
    co-workers boyfriend call the hospital I worked at and
    said I was telling people that when he came into the ER he
    had track marks on his arms. I did not do this and issued
    a statement to my job. I told them that what was in his
    chart was shown to be by another employee along with other
    people eveyone that seen the chart made comments I did not
    tell anyone in the public. I was fired along with another
    employee that was not in the room at this time.
    Appartently another employee told her about the patient.
    We were fired not the employee that showed the
    information. I feel that this was wrong and want to know
    what can I do. All of this came up after this employee
    was sent home under the influence one day and myself and
    the other employee has a problem with her being at work
    like that and made a comment to the manager. Two days
    later her boyfriend files this complaint. I feel that I
    was fired for something that I had no part of. If I'm
    fired why not fire everyone that had something to do with
    the incident. Why can't I see the statement that were
    made against me or meet my accuser. I want to know what I
    can do because I feel that I was wrongly fired

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Re: ACCUSED OF HIPAA VIOLATION, 5/23/08, by Terri.
  • Re: ACCUSED OF HIPAA VIOLATION, 6/02/08, by Terry.

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