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    Post: Received letter from practice owner detailing harrassment

    Posted by Edward on 6/12/08

    I work for a large pharmaceutical co. I was at an event
    where a manager was getting a little to friendly with some
    of the Doctors wives. One Doctor that I work with gave me a
    letter a week later detailing the situation and the fact
    that his wife was upset and so was he. The Doctor expected
    the letter be passed onto a higher level. Since the
    delivery of this letter my life has been hell. I was
    interogated by the regional manager, HR, and vp. HR called
    two of the three women that were offended that evening. The
    manager in question continues to defame my character by
    stating lies to his managers about different things. Has
    done his best to try and turn several reps against me. This
    has been going on for some time and is well documented. I
    have been in a hostile environment do to passing this letter
    on and I see no end in site.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Received letter from practice owner detailing harrassment, 6/12/08, by Edward.
  • Re: Received letter from practice owner detailing harrassmen, 6/13/08, by LarryO.

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