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    Re: Sinking company may not pay my bonus?

    Posted by lawguy on 7/15/08

    On 7/07/08, E wrote:
    > I'm a sales rep with a California start up that is gradually
    > going under. I've earned a large bonus in Q2 (just ended),
    > and am concerned they may not have the $ to pay me what is
    > owed. I've tried to review the labor law code in
    > California, but I'm no lawyer.
    > The bonus isn't due to be paid for another week, but I'd
    > like to know what my options are so I'm prepared for

    what's your question: how to get blood from a turnip?

    assuming they owe you (you've met all the conditions for
    earning a bonus), you're entitled to the money. if you don't
    get it, you can prosecute a wage claim (through a private
    lawyer in court, or with the Labor Commissioner aka "DLSE").

    this may result in you either getting the money, or a
    settlement, or a judgment against a bankrupt company, or some
    other outcome. still, even if they're bankrupt, wage claims
    get "priority" in bankruptcy court, so you get to stand at
    the front of the creditor's line if there are any assets to
    pay debts. however, there's no guarantee that anyone will be
    there to pay you anything.

    on the other hand, if it's just a hoped-for-gift (e.g., a
    discretionary bonus they said they'd hoped to give), good
    luck in getting them to give it to you.

    good luck, anyway.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Sinking company may not pay my bonus?, 7/07/08, by E.
  • Re: Sinking company may not pay my bonus?, 7/12/08, by Frankie.
  • Re: Sinking company may not pay my bonus?, 7/15/08, by lawguy.

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