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    Re: mileage and pay

    Posted by lawguy on 8/15/08

    On 8/15/08, john mcgowen wrote:
    > i am going for training at corporate hq.they are offering
    > 8 hrs. pay for 4 hrs. training. do they have to pay
    > mileage & parking as well? john

    it depends on your state requirements.

    for example, California employers must pay necessary expenses
    employees incur doing job duties, while Florida employers
    only have to make sure you get minimum wage (and you can pay
    your expenses out of your own paycheck).

    and, even if the company owes you for the travel expenses,
    it's also possible (but not certain) that the extra pay (8
    hrs for 4 hrs) might be enough to satisfy that legal

    finally, employers usually don't have to pay (mileage or
    travel time) for a "regular commute." so, if this is a
    regular workday and the drive to hq. is about as far as you'd
    go to your regular workplace, they wouldn't owe mileage.

    good luck.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mileage and pay, 8/15/08, by john mcgowen.
  • Re: mileage and pay, 8/15/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: mileage and pay, 8/15/08, by john mcgowen.
  • Re: mileage and pay, 8/15/08, by lawguy.

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