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    Re: Why are they asking me this?

    Posted by chewtoy on 8/27/08

    On 8/20/08, Suezeekay wrote:
    > I'm applying for a job for restaurant management. They
    > are asking me for the month and day I was born, but not
    > the year (that might be illegal). Why do they want to
    > know this?

    they want to chart your biorhythms or review your
    astrological chart. i'd bet on the astrology.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Why are they asking me this?, 8/20/08, by Suezeekay.
  • Re: Why are they asking me this?, 8/22/08, by Terry.
  • Re: Why are they asking me this?, 8/27/08, by chewtoy.

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