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    Re: suffering backlash

    Posted by kelly on 9/01/08

    On 8/28/08, kelly wrote:
    > On 8/28/08, Terry wrote:
    >> On 8/27/08, kelly wrote:
    >>> On 8/27/08, Terry wrote:
    >>>> On 8/22/08, disgusted wrote:
    >>>>> So, being tired of hearing about the way our store manager
    >>>>> spoke to a coworker I wrote an annon. letter to our parent
    >>>>> companies executive v. p. (couple of notes here) harrased
    >>>>> employee is gay male-offending manager is male. district
    >>>>> manager is male and has office inside the store that this
    >>>>> took place in. - the tight knit friendship between
    >>>>> district and store managers is why I chose to jump as high
    >>>>> up as possible to make sure it didn't get "handled"
    >>>>> incorrectly.
    >>>>> In the meantime I left the accounting dept. to return to
    >>>>> my previous position on the floor. I knew since this was
    >>>>> my wish that I would be giving up the 2 pay raises I had
    >>>>> aquired for going to the dept. 3 1/2 yrs prior. this
    >>>>> totaled 70cents and hour diff.
    >>>>> It took the company 2 months before they changed the pay
    >>>>> rate. When it happened the district manager had a fit at
    >>>>> my HR person because she changed it by the .70 and he
    >>>>> decided to make it more. He had her change it down by
    >>>>> $3.55 an hour instead of the .70cents.
    >>>>> This just happened to be at the same time the district
    >>>>> manager was notified by exectutive vp that the harrasement
    >>>>> had been filed.
    >>>>> The Dm notified the store manager and allowed him to have
    >>>>> a closed door meeting alone with the harrassee. The
    >>>>> harrassee asked DM for a private mtg. which was agreed to
    >>>>> then on the day of mtg. DM calls in and tells asst. he
    >>>>> wont be in because it was nice out and he wanted to go
    >>>>> golf with... store manager.
    >>>>> so when I get my pay stub I see that my pay rate is
    >>>>> horridly wrong. Store manager says- oh I knew you would
    >>>>> come see me when you got your pay stub. We had a bit of a
    >>>>> discussion- with HR present. It was determined that the
    >>>>> pay rate change was not correct and should not have been
    >>>>> done.
    >>>>> The store manager took a very long time working on this.
    >>>>> DM is constantly "unavailable" and yet he is ONLY one who
    >>>>> can undo this. It has been 2 months since the pay cut and
    >>>>> harrassement notification. My pay isn't fixed and the
    >>>>> victim still hasn't had a mtg with DM and is forced to
    >>>>> continue to work with the store manager. Can't afford to
    >>>>> leave the job, not that he should have to.
    >>>>> So, my guess here is that DM and/or store manger figured
    >>>>> out who sent the letter and all this is backlash for it.
    >>>>> Either way they are not fixing my pay. What are my options
    >>>>> here? Is it easier to take them up on just the pay problem
    >>>>> or believe that it is backlash and take them up on that?
    >>>>> So complicated and every lawyer I find for employement law
    >>>>> only represents employers. No wonder no one ever wants to
    >>>>> file harrasement charges.
    >>>>> Thanks for any help or info you can give.
    >>>> What State are you in? Whether retaliation for reporting
    >>>> discrimination is protected depends upon the answer to that
    >>>> question. In the meantime, perhaps you should consider
    >>>> contacting the VP again (this time not anonymously.) He
    >>>> obviously took action the last time; there's no reason not
    >>>> to believe he won't tell the manager to address the pay
    >>>> issue immediately.
    >>> Nebraska.
    >>> I actually ended up contacting our HR in next district level
    >>> up and wasn't announ. I flat told them I felt I was being
    >>> retaliated against because of the letter I had written. When
    >>> they found out my complaint had gone to vp and not them they
    >>> were very concerened about how it was all handled at my store
    >>> level. They said they would be contacting the vp and start
    >>> working on this.
    >>> I ended up quiting last night because my store manager had
    >>> finally told me monday that there was no way my pay would be
    >>> anything but the $8.20. I called into work and said that I
    >>> couldnt work that shift because I felt that legally they would
    >>> say it would be accepting the pay rate and I wouldnt accept
    >>> it.
    >>> I told the local HR to pay out all my vacation at the current
    >>> rate and I would continue to fight for the rest.
    >>> I've decided to start looking for a lawyer that specializes in
    >>> sexual harassement cases since thats how this all started.
    >>> Any more advice would be greatly appriciated.
    >> The problem is that sexual orientation isn't protected by
    >> federal law nor by Nebraska discrimination laws (which is why I
    >> asked what State you're in.) Since discrimination based on
    >> sexual orientation isn't prohibited, the there are no
    >> protections for making a complaint of same and therefore any
    >> retalition that occured was not illegal.
    > thanks for the information. guess we will see what happens.

    as a side note this was not discrimination for orientation it was
    verbal harassement. does that make a difference?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • suffering backlash, 8/22/08, by disgusted.
  • Re: suffering backlash, 8/27/08, by Terry.
  • Re: suffering backlash, 8/27/08, by kelly.
  • Re: suffering backlash, 8/28/08, by Terry.
  • Re: suffering backlash, 8/28/08, by kelly.
  • Re: suffering backlash, 9/01/08, by kelly.

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