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    Re: Harassment Complaint

    Posted by Terry on 10/08/08

    On 9/29/08, iwannabelikekev wrote:
    > State: Texas
    > I am working for a consultant company and I was contracting
    > for a client company.
    > I got acquainted with a married woman at work in the client
    > company through some meetings. She was also a contractor
    > working for another agency. She was very friendly and
    > about a lot of things including her personal life. Since
    > was having friendly conversations, I also started having
    > some friendly conversations with her. Since I guess she and
    > I were almost coming and leaving at the same time, we have
    > met a lot of times in the garage and walked together, she
    > would go in her car and I would go in my car. She lives far
    > away and I live near by. So, we take different routes. In
    > fact, I invited her and another friend of hers for my
    > birthday lunch. I saw her as a good friend.
    > One fine day, the manager at my client company said that he
    > was not satisfied with my performance and he decided to let
    > me go off from the team in 2 weeks and he asked me to
    > transition the work that I had been doing to another new
    > employee.
    > One week after this incident, I got a call from my
    > consultant company asking me not to go to the client
    > as she filed a harassment complaint. She had mentioned that
    > - 1. I had been following her in the garage and at
    > workplace, 2. I had been staring at her office from the
    > stairs (insane why would I look at chair and desk in the
    > office?), 3.I have been waiting for her in the garage when
    > she was in the fitness center working out for 15 minutes.
    > She was talking to me casually until the last day I met her
    > and I have no idea why she would file a complaint all of a
    > sudden. She never told me that she was uncomfortable
    > to me.
    > She has mentioned that her husband doesn't have a job 3-4
    > times, she lives in her mom's house temporarily until her
    > husband finds a job (it has been almost 4-5 months since
    > said that), she wasn't making good money in her previous
    > job, she is trying to have kids, going to doctor because of
    > complications, won't get paid if she takes sick leaves or
    > maternity leaves. Not sure if money was her motive. But
    > anyways, the client company terminated my contract. So, she
    > won't be able to sue the client company and make money.
    > My consultant company has a lengthy procedure for handling
    > harassment complaints. At first, I was interrogated by
    > couple of HR folks based on the complaint. But, I wasn't
    > given the copy of the complaint and they didn't disclose
    > date on which it was filed. They just disclosed the name of
    > the complainant. The next day, they went to the client
    > company to interview the complainant and her manager. Those
    > details were not revealed to me.
    > The HR folks have documented all these information and sent
    > them to Grievance committee in my consultant company. It
    > been almost 3 weeks and I have no idea what is going on.
    > AFAIK, they will take a decision and communicate to both
    > parties. If someone is not happy with the decision, they
    > appeal for it and the final decision will be made.
    > What are the possible outcomes here? In the best case
    > scenario, if my consultant company says that her
    > can't be proved and if she is not satisfied and files a
    > complaint with EEOC, will she be able to make any money? In
    > the worst case scenario, if my consultant company asks me
    > resign, what are my rights? Can I file a defamation lawsuit
    > on her stating that she filed the complaint for making
    > money? She is also a contractor working for another
    > consultant company.

    Same answers as those you previously received on all the
    other boards you've posted this on.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harassment Complaint, 9/29/08, by iwannabelikekev.
  • Re: Harassment Complaint, 10/08/08, by Terry.

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