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    Post: Employment Termination

    Posted by Terry Taylor on 8/14/09

    I am at a loss as to anything can be done. I was an
    employee Insurance agent(captive)for Met Life Auto and
    Home Insurance. We were employees and had benefits, like
    401, Health, Disability, ect. However in January of 2009,
    the company said we had to sign a new contract or be
    terminated. Under the new contract, they took away
    benifits if we didn't produce certain numbers of
    production, and also would terminate you if you didn't hit
    certain production points in 90 days. I was terminated on
    July 10th of 2009, as a career agent we never had to meet
    type of production, especially with an agency as large as
    mine because I spent more time taking care of my clients
    than seeking out new business. Or I would loose more
    customers than I could bring in. The company also didn't
    tell us they were going strickly with independent agencies
    rather than using PCS type agents like myself. Not only
    did they put requirements on us on production but also
    added over 6 times the agents to compete with, and
    cancelled all our free advertisements in the Yellow Pages,
    and now let Independent agencies advertise our specific
    logos, They also took all my customer files, and a book of
    business of over 400,000. I can't rewrite business for 18
    months. I also have cronic COPD, I asked my supervisor
    before I was terminated to go on Disability, she said it
    was too late. We have short term and long term disability
    Ive been paying on for over 10 yrs now, I am now 61 and I
    have been pretty sick over the last couple of years. It
    just seems unfair a company can do this stuff and get away
    with it. I asked to at least keep my book of clients and
    pay me as an independent agent, of course they would
    rather legally steal from people like me, and shaft my
    clients, who I really cared for over the years and still
    do. I also feel that the stress they put me through the
    last 6 months made my health even worse. Is there
    anything that can be done.. Please help me

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Employment Termination, 8/14/09, by Terry Taylor.

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