Re: Muscular Dystrophy Shamrock
Posted by lawguy on 2/17/10
On 2/17/10, Casey wrote:
> I'm a 24 year old who works for Lowes in Indiana.
> I recently bought a support muscular dystrophy shamrock
> for a dollar from work, you know the kind you write
> something on and the establishment hangs them.
> I wrote on mine "cannabis is medicine for MD patients"
> somehow, this offended another employee and now I'm
> under "investigation"....
Facts offend lots of people. "Facts have a liberal bias" is a
well-known saying. Some people can't handle reality.
When idiots complain to HR, HR has to figure out how to
resolve it. Sometimes the best solution is simply to take the
irritant out of the eye of the beholder. In other words, to
remove the red flag being waived in front of the bull.
Take a deep breath; you'll probably be okay. It's likely that
the shamrock was removed simply to satisfy the idiot and
nothing will be done beyond that. HR uses official words
like "under investigation" to buy time and to keep everyone
under control. They probably would prefer that everyone
forget it and that the whole issue go away and everyone go
back to work....
good luck.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Muscular Dystrophy Shamrock, 2/17/10, by Casey.
- Re: Muscular Dystrophy Shamrock, 2/17/10, by lawguy.