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    Post: Can I be legally terminated for...?

    Posted by Gordon G on 8/21/10

    My boss left a message with my roommate yesterday asking me
    to come into work today. I had previous plans and had not
    called my boss back to agree, or disagree. My boss again
    called back and asked if I had received the message, being
    told by my roommate that I had. When I was told that my boss
    had called I was just leaving, because I had previous plans.
    The day my boss wanted me to work is my scheduled day off. I
    was wondering if my boss can fire me for not calling her
    back to either agree or disagree to go into work on my day
    off? No I did not go into work, and did not feel that I was
    obligated to go into work, or obligated to even call my boss
    back. My boss never spoke to me, and never asked me
    personally or over the phone to go into work, but instead
    talked to my roommate and asked my roommate. Basically am I
    obligated to call my boss back and agree or disagree to work
    my day off, and can my boss legally fire me for not covering
    a shift even though I never personally agreed to it? I live
    in Michigan if that helps to answer my questions. Also I am
    not employed "at-will".

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can I be legally terminated for...?, 8/21/10, by Gordon G.

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