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    Posted by V. PHILLIPS on 6/23/11

    I was acquiring an hardship from my 401k to pay a medical
    bill, that was due. I brought in proper documentation ,
    from the DOS, and the amount due. The bill is from my son.
    I gave two documents providing what the DIRECTOR OF
    OPERATIONS, requested, then he asked me to call the
    hospital to verify with billing, that the amount was due,
    and I did over speaker phone, he signed my hardship papers,
    and told me I would know something soon,my 401k was
    approved for withdrawal, on the same day. The very next
    day, I come to work, and on ny desk was a Tricare insurance
    printout with my sons information exposed. My co worker,
    found the document on the printer/fax machine. I called
    tricare and the hospital the billed was owed, and no one
    called and requested anything, and stated. If was against
    the law to fax any medical information. I work for s large
    urologist firm, and I know someone here accessed my sons
    information, he's not s patient! I reported this to HR, SHE
    stated it wad illegal to do, I would have to this up with
    the operate manager, I filled out the HIPAA VIOLATION form.
    Can my company access my family records with being a
    patient. Please help, upset, and violated. Thanks

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