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    Post: Help with Appeal Defense

    Posted by Andrea on 7/10/11

    My question is concerning my appeal hearing. I was admitted
    to the hospital in November and had to miss work for
    impatient care. My mother called my employer to inform her
    of the situation. My employer told my mother that upon my
    recovery no position would be available for me. I had
    already been collecting unemployment benefits while working
    at this employer, but was unable to make enough money and
    claimed what I did make each week. My employer never filed
    DOL form 800 so I had to assume that I was separated due to
    lack of work. Now that I've established a new claim for
    unemployment with this employer, they are trying to claim
    that I abandoned my job and never told my employer
    anything. No call No show. The outsourcing company is the
    appealing party for my case. They did file the "Notice of
    Claim Filing and request for separation information:
    DOL=1199FF. Is this form considered a separation notice.
    I'm trying to find any loop holes that the outsourcing
    company can use, but I have my mother's testimony and
    hospital records to prove that I was unable to work and my
    employer was notified. I believe I was discharged because
    business was slow and they used my hospitalization as an
    excuse to fire me and now they are say I just didn't show
    back up to work. I know the burden of proof is on them, but
    what kind of proof could they possibly have??

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Help with Appeal Defense, 7/10/11, by Andrea.

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