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    Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update

    Posted by dawn wallace,, on 11/17/03

    On 5/25/03, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    > Dear Amanda,
    > I read your post, including your letter of May 6, 03. It
    > will be over three months that you have been deprived of your
    > children when you finally get a day in court. This is
    > violative of your constitutional right to due process. There
    > is no reason whatsoever that the state should be allowed to
    > take so much time to bring you in front of a judge to present
    > your side of a case. I suppose the kids were just snatched
    > from you without any type of a hearing. Am I right, or was
    > there some kind of a hearing? If so, did you get to
    > participate in it? Has a lawyer been appointed to represent
    > you? Has one been appointed to represent your children? If
    > so, have you disucssed your problems with this court-
    > appointed lawyer? What does he tell you? If you don't have a
    > lawyer, you need one. If you can't afford one, ask the Judge
    > to appoint you one. Also, I think I would begin to study the
    > possibility of bringing a damage action against everyone of
    > these state employees who had any thing to do with snatching
    > your kids from you for violation of your Civil Rights. I'd
    > fight back! And what's this "hot line"? Probably some
    > system whereby people can call in anonymous calls accusing
    > their enemies of child abuse. You might need to think about
    > who your enemies are, for they are probably the ones calling
    > in on the "hot line". If you can't find a lawyer who wants
    > to handle that damage suit for you (most lawyers don't like
    > that type of thing, or are afraid to sue the government),
    > then do it yourself. There is so much law available on the
    > internet, that one can almost be his own lawyer, at least if
    > he can't find one to represent him. Just go to Goggle, or
    > any other search engine, and type in Civil Rights Lawsuits,
    > and you wil be amazed at what you find. Feel free to call me
    > and discuss this. Three months is too long to make you wait
    > for a "due process" hearing. That's not due process. That is
    > a violation of your Civil Right to due process. Fight back!
    > Best of luck!
    > Sincerely,
    > Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    > Lake Charles, LA
    > On 5/25/03, Amanda wrote:
    >> I was curious as to why my first message asking for help
    >> was removed from this website.
    >> This is a sincere plea for anyone's help or advice.
    >> I will again post the following information. In addition to
    >> my first post, all visitations barring one hour per week
    >> with my children have been ceased due to an
    >> anonymous "hotline call" that was recently received. We
    >> have yet to be heard in front of a judge. My son will soon
    >> be 9 months old.
    >> The oldest child was caught in foster care acting out
    >> towards the other two children as we had already informed
    >> DFS was occuring in our home. They removed the two little
    >> ones and placed them with another foster family.
    >> Unfortunately, this family is not properly caring for my
    >> children, and the husband is being verbally abusive to my
    >> middle daughter. The new foster mother admitted such to my
    >> husband and myself. Only 2 hours after contacting my
    >> caseworker with this information, a "hotline" call was
    >> placed.
    >> On 5/06/03, Amanda wrote:
    >>> I am writing this message in hopes that someone will
    >>> contact me with something to help our case.
    >>> My three children were removed from our home on March 6th
    >>> due to unsubstantiated allegations of abuse. DFS has
    >>> claimed that I have taken my oldest daughter to
    >>> counseling/therapy too often, and that constitutes abuse.
    >>> My oldest is 4 1/2, my middle daughter just turned 3, and
    >>> my son is 8 months old.
    >>> We had a written service agreement that was filed with
    >> the
    >>> court, and my husband and I have met each requirement.
    >>> The juvenile office, however, has stated that they do not
    >>> want to discuss our children being returned home because
    >>> they feel the children are in danger.
    >>> I was subjected to a psychological evaluation, that the
    >>> state felt would prove they have reason to have custody
    >> of
    >>> my children. It did not. It recommended that the children
    >>> return home, and that our family receive intensive in-
    >> home
    >>> services.
    >>> PLEASE HELP. We were supposed to be in court on May 1st,
    >>> and a continuance was filed until the middle of June.
    >>> I am in the state of Missouri.
    >>> I feel like my rights, and my children's rights, are
    >> being
    >>> severely violated.
    >>> My son doesn't even recognize me as his Mommy, and my
    >>> middle daughter has all but stopped eating.
    >>> PLEASE CONTACT if you can help.
    >>> 417-455-0061

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 5/25/03, by Amanda.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 5/25/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 10/02/03, by Valerie McClain.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 11/17/03, by dawn wallace.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 12/14/03, by tonya bridges.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 12/23/03, by Dane Hudson.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 4/10/04, by K.D..
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 10/08/08, by Tammy.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 8/29/13, by kasie.

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