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    Post: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update

    Posted by Amanda,, on 5/25/03

    I was curious as to why my first message asking for help
    was removed from this website.

    This is a sincere plea for anyone's help or advice.

    I will again post the following information. In addition to
    my first post, all visitations barring one hour per week
    with my children have been ceased due to an
    anonymous "hotline call" that was recently received. We
    have yet to be heard in front of a judge. My son will soon
    be 9 months old.

    The oldest child was caught in foster care acting out
    towards the other two children as we had already informed
    DFS was occuring in our home. They removed the two little
    ones and placed them with another foster family.
    Unfortunately, this family is not properly caring for my
    children, and the husband is being verbally abusive to my
    middle daughter. The new foster mother admitted such to my
    husband and myself. Only 2 hours after contacting my
    caseworker with this information, a "hotline" call was

    On 5/06/03, Amanda wrote:
    > I am writing this message in hopes that someone will
    > contact me with something to help our case.
    > My three children were removed from our home on March 6th
    > due to unsubstantiated allegations of abuse. DFS has
    > claimed that I have taken my oldest daughter to
    > counseling/therapy too often, and that constitutes abuse.
    > My oldest is 4 1/2, my middle daughter just turned 3, and
    > my son is 8 months old.
    > We had a written service agreement that was filed with
    > court, and my husband and I have met each requirement.
    > The juvenile office, however, has stated that they do not
    > want to discuss our children being returned home because
    > they feel the children are in danger.
    > I was subjected to a psychological evaluation, that the
    > state felt would prove they have reason to have custody
    > my children. It did not. It recommended that the children
    > return home, and that our family receive intensive in-
    > services.
    > PLEASE HELP. We were supposed to be in court on May 1st,
    > and a continuance was filed until the middle of June.
    > I am in the state of Missouri.
    > I feel like my rights, and my children's rights, are
    > severely violated.
    > My son doesn't even recognize me as his Mommy, and my
    > middle daughter has all but stopped eating.
    > PLEASE CONTACT if you can help.
    > 417-455-0061

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 5/25/03, by Amanda.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 5/25/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 10/02/03, by Valerie McClain.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 11/17/03, by dawn wallace.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 12/14/03, by tonya bridges.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 12/23/03, by Dane Hudson.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 4/10/04, by K.D..
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 10/08/08, by Tammy.
  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 8/29/13, by kasie.

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