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    Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update

    Posted by kasie on 8/29/13

    On may 6th of this year dfs
    and nemo taskforce showed up at
    a hotel room that my
    3children,my husband, and
    myself resided in claiming they
    had a call there was a meth-
    lab being there, my response
    was I've never cooked dope a
    day in my life! They then
    asked if they could come in
    and look around, I agreed they
    could come in to see there
    wasn't a meth-lab. Once in the
    room after I changed my 15mnth
    old sons diaper n advised them
    they see there's nothing, the
    captain of taskforce told me to
    sit there while I watched them
    tear through our belongings...I
    then told them they needed to
    come back when my husband was
    home.....they didn't stop!
    Instead they came across a bag
    on top of the full-sized fridge
    that had some paraphanalia in
    it...told me I was under
    arrest, went to my husband's
    job arrested him, yet neither
    of us was actually under arrest
    jus kept us for 3hrs for
    questioning. Anyhow, when the
    dfs investigator said she was
    placing my baby in protective
    custody I said no I'm having
    someone come get him, she
    looked me in my face said no
    one in my family was fit!! I
    have 2 foster mothers for the
    state in my family!!! We fought
    over a month to get them away
    from a local police officer's
    parentsand into my aunts home.
    Not to mention they came 2 days
    later to take my son I gave
    birth to after me and my
    husband both signed
    guardianship to my aunt!! Does
    anyone have any advice or know
    exactly where I can find the
    "laws or statutes" they have
    violated on our family?!!

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  • Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 8/29/13, by kasie.

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