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    Posted by D D on 8/19/03

    How do you feel about big businesses moving into the middle
    of homes that have heavy machinery that idle and come and go
    from 6 am till when ever they feel like quiting? Beeps and
    fumes and banging of chains, hammering and air compressors,
    Power washers to clean oily engines that run into your yard.
    Not only that less than 20 ft from you house. Moonlighting
    employees that include take over on holidays and weekends to
    intrude on your home? This is happening over a no zoning
    laws. That means no one can do no wrong. Religion or common
    scense is lost. That is how property is snatched up from the
    people and forced to have unhealthy businesses move in. They
    have distoyed the ground by invading nesting ground of birds
    including the killdeer. Go on our side of the fence to take
    the milkweed that is ment for the monarch butterfly. The
    catapilars are the only kind that can eat the poisonous
    leaf. They migrate to Mexico for the winter. They cut our
    trees that edge the property that block the dust of the
    gravel pit of heavy traffic. They have pushed the the birds
    from being able to nest in out trees from fumes and noise of
    engines on all day. Took away protection for wildlife from
    the elements. Blacktop that causes flooding to everyone's
    property. They control you. Where is our rights for clean
    environment and peace and quiet. The homes were here before
    United Rentals. Boycott United Rentals.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • BUSINESS ZONING RIGHTS, 8/19/03, by D D.

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