Re: Sexual Harrasment
Posted by Terry on 9/30/03
On 9/08/03, Bella wrote:
> I have been working for my company for 2 years, the Vice
> President of the company touched my breast for the first
> time about 6 months ago and has since made nasty remarks
> to me concerning doing sexual favors for him..on a daily
> basis, I told him that I wasn't intersted, but he keeps
> asking..As for touching my body parts, he does that on
> occassion also, the HR of the company also tried pulling
> my pants down as a joke in front of my customers, so I
> can't go to him with the problems,..I did however speak to
> the plant manager about all of this, so he is aware of the
> things that are happening to me on a daily basis. This is
> all discusting to me, but I am a single female with bills
> to pay and where I live, there isn't any good jobs, now I
> don't want to sound lame here, but I have payments just
> like any of you reading this, I have took the harrassment
> this long..I am afraid of this all getting out and losing
> my job..The man in question is also one of 5 owners of my
> company and has billions of dollars, yes I am afraid of
> him and what can happen to me...
> I was told that I have to make a formal complaint to my
> company, which I think I did to the general manager, I
> have witnesses to all that I take on a daily basis, now do
> I have to make a complaint to the State of Michigan before
> I can attempt to sue my employers???? Any suggestions
> would greatly be appreciated...I am sick all the time from
> the stress of facing this on a daily basis, and does him
> threating my job, or singling me out above the rest
> constitute discrimination on the job? I have never in my
> life had to deal with any of this, I know what he is doing
> towards me is very wrong, but I just dont' know what to
> do? Can I find another job and quit and still sue him for
> the sexualharrasment? I was told to tape what he says, and
> to keep a journal of the things that is done and who has
> witnessed them> Please help in anyway that you can, any
> advice will help me so much..Thank You
Your next step is to file a complaint of prohibited
discrimination (sexual harassment) either with your State's
equal rights division or the federal EEOC. You have one of
the more egegious claims I've seen in a while. If the
ERD/EEOC finds "probable cause" and issues a "right to sue"
letter, you are going to need an attorney at that point to
file suit. My advice to you is to seek legal counsel now
(and it should be an attorney specializing in employment
law) and let him or her guide you through this process.
Yes, you may quit this job and still sue him for sexual
harassment. The law doesn't require you to continue to
endure this in order to file a claim. It's good that you've
kept a journal of the incidents but do not tell anybody
about the tapes you have made (other than your attorney)
until you know for sure whether you are in a "one party"
state or a "two party" state re: whether the other party's
consent is necessary to lawfully make voice recordings.
You can contact your local bar association and ask for
referrals to employment law attornies in your area. Good
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Sexual Harrasment, 9/08/03, by Bella.
- Re: Sexual Harrasment, 9/30/03, by Terry.
- Re: Sexual Harrasment, 7/25/07, by FRANCESCA RASI.