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    Post: Were being inudated

    Posted by Tony, FordCobra1970, on 9/23/03

    Help! California is being swamped with illegal aliens and
    the federal government sits idly by and looks the other way.
    I thought the Civil War settled the primacy of a strong
    central government. I also thought the federal government
    has a constitutional obligation to protect the states from
    invasion or attack. I wish they would excersise that
    obligation in California; we a drowning in a sea of illegal
    aliens who are draining our state dry. There are untold
    millions of illegal (yes, illegal) aliens pouring in here.
    Estimates are at least 1 and a half million, but that's an
    extreme low end figure.
    The Border Patrol makes about a million arrests each year;
    and by their own admission, they only catch about 10% of
    them. It does not take a scientist to do the math on this.
    Most of these people have little education or skills to
    contribute, and thus have to do the jobs they claim
    residents or citizens will not do. An extreme position.
    With the California government passing de facto amnesty laws
    at breakneck speed, we honest residents and citizens are
    being denied our rights under the constitution. As most well
    know, drivers licenses for illegals, in state tuition and
    fees for college, and now a bill awaiting the governors'
    signature for free community college for some illegal
    aliens, as well as free education for millions of children
    K-12, free or low cost health care for millions of people.
    No wonder California is bankrupt. Pro-immigrant forces also
    fail to mention that approximately $4 billion dollars is
    taken out of the California economy every year and sent to
    the home countries of these illegal aliens to support the
    families they have there. These are true and verifiable
    statistics. Yet not one single candidate for governor in the
    recall election has issued a thing about this invasion
    except McClintock. And he has been branded a racist for his
    support of Prop 187.
    We citizens have no voice in what is happening, and as a
    veteran who served his country, I am sick and tired of
    having people who have violated our laws, by their own
    choosing, having more rights than I and others who supported
    Prop 187. California is rapidly being torn apart under the
    financial burden that no one wants to face. I am becoming
    disillusioned with our federal government and its lack of
    inaction to keep California from becoming a third world
    state. I live in Long Beach and the quality of life has
    really declined. We have an incredibly large population of
    illegal aliens here and the gangs are rampant. Most have no
    drivers insurance so if you get hit, you are out of luck. I
    have had my car hit twice by illegals driving without
    insurance. Trash and garbage everywhere, people packed into
    small apartments like sardines; no wonder affordable housing
    is getting rare. Class rooms in the public schools are
    packed, mainly due to the influx of newly arrived illegal
    immigrants. When do we have the right to say ENOUGH IS
    ENOUGH? From what I have been seeing lately, being an
    American is not what it used to be. Why buy the cow when you
    can get the milk for free. The Constitution does not specify
    protection against all enemies, foreign and domestic; nor
    does it specify the types of attacks or invasions the
    federal government will protect us from. The state of
    California always states that immigration is a federal
    problem and they are not immigration officers; yet, are they
    not performing the duties of an immigration officer by
    authorizing benefits for people they know have violated
    federal laws; for people who have defrauded the system that
    was meant for those legal residents and citizens entitled to
    them? By sanctioning and encouraging people to come to this
    state with the promises of sanctuary, benefits and immunity;
    California subverts federal law and authority. This was one
    of the main points which ignited the Civil War. We are
    nearing that flash point again, as is our constitutional
    right when the government fails to act in a matter of
    national importance. California as a state should be sued in
    federal court for this mess and its' aiding and abetting
    the subverion of federal law. It should also be required to
    stop acting as a soveriegn nation by performing de facto
    immigration duties and providing sanctuary for known federal
    law breakers. Any takers?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Were being inudated, 9/23/03, by Tony.

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