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    Post: some kind of harrasment

    Posted by Joshua F.,, on 10/21/03

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem?
    You see my brother is a convicted sex offender. He has
    served his time, and is regestired. Since hes been out he
    has gotten married and had twin boys. The wife knew about
    his past and accepted him for who he was. My brother is
    not a terrible guy. And the title sex offender is verry
    misleading. He wasn't a rapest or anything like that...
    But back to the point. The two of them have been seperated
    for 2 years now. She committed adultry. When he cought her
    having her affairs he got upset and smashed a window. He
    currently has an injunction aginst him from the matter.
    She continuly finds ways to get him back to jail. She
    called my house 7 times on day and made it soud like the
    kids where verry ill for him to call A.S.A.P. when he
    returned the call, she was verry rude and acted suprised
    to hear from him. not 30min. later a sherrif arrived
    hauling my brother off to jail for violation of
    injunction. I told the officer she had called severl times
    and it was on my caller i.d. but he said that the
    injunction could not be filled aginst the petitioner.
    Well, now hes out and still rigistered at this address,
    but now she repetedly drives by throwing out flyers about
    my brothers past. I have two kids myself, and in a rougher
    part of town. Now my kids friends can't play with them or
    nothing. And i feel my family is being harrassed with
    this. It is causing problem within my family other than my
    brother. Sahe has confesed to doing it and insist it will
    keep on until he moves or goes back to prison. We are in
    another county than where she lives. Is there anything i
    can do for me or my children to get these flyers and
    harrassment to quit??????? Thank you for your time and
    hearing my story..

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  • some kind of harrasment, 10/21/03, by Joshua F..

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