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    Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo

    Posted by Sammy on 6/09/05

    Hello Connie :)

    I hope you have found help but the best help is in God, He
    deliver us from all of our enemies and fears

    God is also the best Lawyer and he has never lost a case, put
    your trust in Him and Him only

    He (God) is also the righteous Judge!

    My best advice about all the things you were and maybe still
    going thru is to turn your life to God and invite his son to
    be Lord of your life...He died for the sins of all men (and
    women of course) and you will see how He will reward you with
    happiness and peace as He is the Prince of Peace

    Come to Him as you are!

    Sammy :)

    On 9/06/04, Connie Danielson wrote:
    > Hello, I need to get your help and advise on some issues
    > that I am having problems with and I haven't been able to
    > find someone to help me on these issues.
    > First off I live in Houston, TX area Conroe, Tx) and I
    > work for a federal company, which Union Pacific Railroad.
    > I have been with them since Dec 15, 2003 and since then I
    > have been harassed, intimidated, picked on talked about and
    > theft of property and damage to property etc...
    > I am Lesbian and I have had sexual jokes and quotes left on
    > my car and also on the bulletin board at work about women,
    > gays, lesbians, butches and men hating women jokes and
    > about gay and lesbians don't belong at this company. I
    > also have had my car keyed, and my personal day runner or
    > organizer calendar, planner as some call it, stolen. Some
    > type of cream smeared all over my windows in he back of the
    > car an the side and on the doors.
    > I am being harassed daily from all the guys and some have
    > refused to even work with me and if the other guys work
    > with me, that have no problem with me, then they are being
    > harassed and intimidate to stop working with me and if they
    > don't they will quit talking to them and other things. I
    > don't know of any good attorney here is Houston, TX who
    > could take on such a case of this large issue. I also have
    > asked about Same Sex Benefits at work, and no one has
    > responded to me and I keep on about it, I also have talked
    > with several at the company in the CEO and Human resources
    > about this and also about starting a diversity network
    > group of lesbians,gay, transgender etc.. Because the
    > company has a group called Black Network for black workers
    > and so far I have been turned down to start a group and
    > also about gay benefits etc. I think everything should be
    > fair and equal and if its not I want to make a change, I
    > guess I'm in the wrong field, but I look at it this way. I
    > am looking out for our future and for future gays, and
    > lesbians and transgender that might someday go to work for
    > this company.
    > Also, I am the only female in my department and also the
    > only lesbian in the department and the only one out, if
    > there are others there in the closet. I am not. I never
    > have been and never will be and believe in what I'm
    > fighting for. But, it is stressful and also starting get
    > more serious in natural as to what the guys are doing now.
    > I really need help, I have even gone out and got a locking
    > gas lid for my car so they can't put anything in my tank.
    > I have also made several complaints to the companies EEO
    > department and they have done nothing, I have also notified
    > their own police with the company and they have done
    > nothing as well. If any one out there knows what I can do
    > or where to go or refer me to someone, it would be great.
    > I am starting to be afraid for my life and my home and
    > property. Please Help!!!! I have to go to work to support
    > my self, so missing work is out of the question, I know
    > life is more important but no one pays my bills and I just
    > have to watch my back and take different routes to work
    > every day. I don't know what else to do. Thanks for
    > reading my story and I hope some one will be able to help
    > me and lend me some support on this issue. In the last 4
    > months its gotten worse and getting more aggressive.
    > Thanks
    > Connie

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, proporty , 9/06/04, by Connie Danielson.
  • Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo, 3/20/05, by JOHN.
  • Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo, 6/09/05, by Sammy.
  • Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo, 6/09/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo, 6/09/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: harassment,discrimination,hostile work enviroment, propo, 6/09/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.

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