Re: Sexual Harrasment
Posted by Jeannie on 1/30/05
On 11/11/04, Sir wrote:
> On 11/11/04, Terry wrote:
>> On 10/07/04, Worried wrote:
>> He has the right to wait and see what his employer decides
>> to do after they investigate the allegation. The ball is
>> entirely in the employer's court. FYI - if they do
>> terminate your fiance that is not a wrongful termination,
>> regardless of whether he engaged in the behavior he is
>> accused of or not.
> No one can tell whether an action for wrongful termination is
> appropriate until all the facts come in. I think it is a
> bit "knee jerky" to say such an action is without merit at this
> stage. Once action is taken by his employer, if any, I would
> suggest you re post and we can opine then. However, if the
> allegations are false, your husband may have an action against
> the lady who reported it for defamation - NOW. Best of luck
Yes indeed,I totally agree with "Sir's" opinion here.
The work enviroment and employee's rights are now under much more
detailed scrutiny than those of years past. I know in NC, unless
you are employed by an elected official a written document is
required at the point of termination. That document; AKA "Pink
slip", must include reason for termination. One of the reasons
for this is so that upon applying for unemployment benefits, you
will not incur penalties. If you were terminated due to
aggravating circumstances, your benefits could be delayed and
potentially denied.
On another note, the female accuser has no responsibility to wait
for the companies response to her allegations. She can readily
bring private civil action against the man who engaged in
the "alleged" harrassment. She can sue the company as well. She
can bring action seperately against both entities. Most people
just go for litigation against the party with the deepest
pockets....which more than likely would be a corporation that is
equipped with insurance for this very type of incident.
I say, "Good Luck to all parties involved, since the truth is
unknown to me.