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    Post: Held Hostage in Gogebic County, Michigan

    Posted by Karen Comparin,, on 3/13/01

    I five years ago went into Coma during Birth of little boy
    which is now 5 years old, my daughter is 10, I had her 2
    1/2 years before I married her DAd, he kicked us out of our
    home after my Coma, which he did wait until I could walk
    again, the District attorney help send us to North
    Carolina, we got an apartment there and were happy and then
    I was told to come back for a Divorce hearing and the Judge
    refused to let the kids leave Michigan,. I have faught this
    for 4 years. I don't have an Attorney beause my x got the
    one the state would have helped me with, it has been joint
    custody for 4 years then I found out that he met this woman
    at School, this was before I was kicked out and he does not
    have a regular job, his work history is bad, he owes NC
    back arrears, he cusses the kids, drinks, sleeps with this
    woman while the kids are there, they have seen her naked,.
    This judge in Gogebic County told Friday that I was a good
    mother and that I love my kids. My children and I have been
    put through hell by the State of Michigan, I need an
    attorney that will help sue the Comparin family for mental,
    emotional abuse, and to sue the County for forcing me to
    live here and to place my children in a house of sin, and I
    haven't done anything wrong. Now because of the Friend of
    the Court and the Judge of Gogebic County , I'm stuck in
    Ironwood Michigan and the children are living in a house of
    sin in Marquette and the children told the Judge that they
    don't want to live with their Dad and that they are being
    cussed, yelled, and they are not getting daily baths and
    daily care.
    Please help! I want to sue the family and the ones involed
    in this happening to us.
    Miracle Lady and Children are HELD HOSTAGE IN GOGEBIC COUNTY
    yes I was suppose to have died 5 times and I was on the
    front page of the daily globe in Ironwood after the birth
    of my son, the picture was of my daughter, son and me. It
    said ANGELS PROVIDE let Ironwood see what Judge did to the
    Miracle Lady and her children, HELD HOSTAGE, WE WANT TO GO

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Held Hostage in Gogebic County, Michigan, 3/13/01, by Karen Comparin.
  • Re: Held Hostage in Gogebic County, Michigan, 3/25/01, by jim.
  • Re: Held Hostage in Gogebic County, Michigan, 4/18/01, by Mary .
  • Re: Held Hostage in Gogebic County, Michigan, 4/18/01, by Mary.

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