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    Post: MY RIGHTS????

    Posted by Dawn on 10/28/05

    Does anyone have rights against DYFS????? How do these
    people get away with taring a family apart? I am having a
    problem with DYFS right now and I need to know my rights.
    To sum this up as fast as possiable. These people where
    brought into my life under false information. But because
    of who they are and knowing that (at first) they where just
    trying to do their jobs, I cooperated with them. I did
    everything that they asked and now they are just going to
    far. They are trying to rule my life and how I live it. How
    far are they aloud to go. Even if you have a letter from
    them stating that there was no abuse found. Why do they
    keep harassing me. What do I do?????

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • MY RIGHTS????, 10/28/05, by Dawn.
  • Re: MY RIGHTS????, 10/30/05, by v.

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