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    Re: dillards fmla

    Posted by rd on 12/12/06


    Generally speaking, your employer have the duty to
    accomodate your situation,however you will need to disclose
    your medical condition to them so that they are put on legal
    notice of your condition. Put your HR Dept/and your
    immediate supervisor on notice!! This is very important.

    Speak to your HR Dept about applying for the federal level
    Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). To be eligible, you must be
    employed for one year with Dillard and have worked 1,250
    hours or more preceding the commenced of your leave. Leave
    can be taken intermittent or in consecutive days. Under the
    rule, you must also provide a physician certification to
    your employer stating that you have a serious chronic
    medical condition, under doctor treatment for 3 or more
    consecutive days, etc... If you qualify, your absences or
    tardiness which is caused by your medical condition will be
    protected under the FMLA rule, thus you generally cannot be
    discipline or terminated because of your FMLA rights.
    Furthermore, your employer are obligated to accomodate.
    Since the FMLA is a federal law, check with your state about
    the state level rule, -most states have it.

    Also, you maybe protected under the American Disability Act,
    under the federal level or state. Ask for accomodation with
    your manager and HR Dept and inform them that you may have a
    serious physical condition that impairs your physical
    activities (standing for prolong period of time).

    If your employer ask for doctor certifications, this is
    clearly permissible both under FMLA and ADA. I highly
    recommend that you provide one if you need accomodation.

    If your employer handles this issue in bad faith and with
    poor professional conduct, I highly recommend that you file
    a complaint with your local labor dept in your state.

    Good Luck and take care of your health!

    On 12/08/06, melissa wrote:
    > i work for dillards and i have debelitating condition every
    > time i come back from sick leave or back from the doc
    > dillards insists i cannot come back to work unless the doc
    > has no restrictions and a diagnosis on the excuse is this
    > legal? arent they supposed to accomidate people with
    > disabilities and would my condition be covered by this..i
    > have an undiagnosed nerve inflamation chronic pain
    > that i am treated for with medication the docs dont want me
    > to stand for more than 2 hours without taking a break and
    > shift is 8 hours with an hour lunch break now i can sit if
    > need to but dillards does not want this to be official or
    > paper and if i am caught sitting i will be corrected and
    > made to stand....can they do this? also they want me to
    > release my medical records to them i have not yet and
    > nothing has happened but i am scared that they will catch
    > what can i do here
    > best wishes
    > single mom in louisiana
    > melissa

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • dillards fmla, 12/08/06, by melissa.
  • Re: dillards fmla, 12/12/06, by rd.

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