Posted by wwomr on 4/22/11
On 6/24/07, Bubba Lawyer wrote:
> Me thinks you need to find a different place to voice your
> concerns than a "law students" chatboard.
> Bubs
> On 6/24/07, Amie wrote:
>> What satisfaction would these people get for just taking
>> someone's kid? Do you go to a job daily, where you will probably
>> have to break up a family, and then deal with the parents when
>> you are taking their child? If they had not taken your child,
>> and you HAD really tried to kill him, then they would be sued
>> too. You have to realize, that someone who(not accusing you of
>> anything) will do the illegal things that will have DYFS come
>> into their homes, would lie to the caseworker about what
>> happened. And if a caseworker gets a call from a doctor, it is
>> even more cause for them to take a child. I know there are some
>> of these workers who are not doing their job, but that is with
>> ANY workplace. You have some people who do a GREAT job, and then
>> some who do a half-ass job. But, not all caseworkers are morons.
>> That is like calling you a moron, because you can't do a job as
>> good as your co-worker.
There should be evidence regardless of who made the claims. It seems
as though there is more eveidence against killers and rapists that
get away scott free than parents who are falsely accused of
neglecting there children. Please. No parents are perfect- and
unless there is ateast factual eveidence- no child should be removed
from their parents home. Unless the child admits to the abuse- or
the abuse is left in bruises or other serious evidence--- No DYFS
worker should be worried about covering their ars- it's not about
them- it's about the child staying in a home that is THEIRS and all
they have known. The same goes for any other profession. Doctors say
things just to cover themselves and by saying one word in their
powerful position could change the lives of others around them and
for the worse.