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    Post: Harrasment/Intimination

    Posted by DyAnne Wilson on 7/21/07

    Is is ok that an Executive Director talks to clients
    behind employees back that the employees performance is
    poor. This has caused the clients to go to my supervisor
    and ask what's my problem, an I slow. My supervisor told
    me that the ED is targeting me, but she's not planning
    terminating me. I find this very embarrasing who else has
    this ED told. I've never had a right up, I've exceeded in
    annual reviews. I've documented the date/time that I
    received this information. I'm not trusting the work
    environment at this time. I'll continue to work, keep on
    task, act like nothing has happened, but I'm documenting
    and keeping record of conversation and action made by ED
    toward me and other clients that I serve. Another word to
    discribe my feelings is intimated. Should I report this to
    Human Resources at work? If I do than the ED will probable
    treat and say worse thing? Is there any law/protection if
    he retaliates against me for reporting him to HR? At what
    point can I go to EEOC? Or have I totally over reacted?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harrasment/Intimination, 7/21/07, by DyAnne Wilson.
  • Re: Harrasment/Intimination, 7/21/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.

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