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    Re: Harrasment/Intimination

    Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 7/21/07


    Over reached! The boss can target you if he thinks you are
    not doing your job correctly. This is not harassment or
    intimidation. EEOC concerns itself with Race or other
    discrimination because of your race or hanidicap. ED said
    you are slow. Slow is not a race or handicap. HR works for
    the company to Keep employees in line. They are not your
    advocate. Their fudiciary duty is for the company they
    serve. They are the servant of the master (company and
    ED). They are not an impartial enity or nuetral 3rd party
    here. They are on the payroll of the company for God's
    sake! Do you really think they are going to go against the
    master that pays them? If you part of a union then they are
    contractually required to be your advocate.

    NOw DyAnne the theory you need to look at is DEFAMATION of
    character! Slander by words to a 3rd party. You need to
    prove "special damages" that is some injury to your
    professional name, reputation or business loss. I think you
    qualify in this area. Now the defence to Defamation is
    TRUTH. If you are slow then the ED is well with in his
    bounds. Saying the truth or his professional opinion is not
    a crime!

    It does not matter about right ups. YOU have just now
    received some indication of your work preformace now. YOU
    now have a constructive write up. DyAnne you are not up to
    the ED expectations. Wrong or right it is HIS opinion. Now
    if you are doing your job at the same level as other workers
    who are not having complaints then maybe you can show his
    words are "Malicious" and designed to defame you.

    Res Ipsa Loquitur

    On 7/21/07, DyAnne Wilson wrote:
    > Is is ok that an Executive Director talks to clients
    > behind employees back that the employees performance is
    > poor. This has caused the clients to go to my supervisor
    > and ask what's my problem, an I slow. My supervisor told
    > me that the ED is targeting me, but she's not planning
    > terminating me. I find this very embarrasing who else has
    > this ED told. I've never had a right up, I've exceeded in
    > annual reviews. I've documented the date/time that I
    > received this information. I'm not trusting the work
    > environment at this time. I'll continue to work, keep on
    > task, act like nothing has happened, but I'm documenting
    > and keeping record of conversation and action made by ED
    > toward me and other clients that I serve. Another word to
    > discribe my feelings is intimated. Should I report this to
    > Human Resources at work? If I do than the ED will probable
    > treat and say worse thing? Is there any law/protection if
    > he retaliates against me for reporting him to HR? At what
    > point can I go to EEOC? Or have I totally over reacted?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harrasment/Intimination, 7/21/07, by DyAnne Wilson.
  • Re: Harrasment/Intimination, 7/21/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.

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