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    Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!

    Posted by brittney on 10/09/10

    On 6/05/08, Joshua Eggleston wrote:
    > I have been in the custody of DYFS since I was 3 years
    > old. I am 19 now. Since I could remember at a young age, I
    > hated being away from my family. I was placed into DYFS
    > custody because my mother was a drug abuser and was a
    > child when she had me and my older sister, 20, herself.
    > She was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 18 and it
    > progressed to full blown by the age of 24. She died this
    > year on the 22th of January. I wasn't able to see her for
    > 2 years straight after I had found my mother by myself
    > when I was 16 after 15 years, due to DYFS refusing to give
    > me information on her whereabouts. My mother was born Nov.
    > 19 1972 which makes her 35 now. I have never met my father
    > to date and I am not quite sure if I will be able to
    > locate him. I have had a very eventful life. NOW DYFS
    > claims to find shelter and loving people who want to take
    > care of us; free from abuse and neglect. Growing up, I was
    > placed in to a foster home with foster parents who were
    > very abusive; beating me with everything in site like
    > belts, bats, hangers, the metal end of a fly swatter,
    > extension cords, telephone wires, switches from trees,
    > pots, pans and remotes and things of the like. I have
    > made plenty of allegations against those people when I was
    > younger but they found a way to make it seem as though I
    > was mad at them for whatever reason and tried to get them
    > in trouble, or because i was a "bad child" and lied a lot
    > and wasn't worthy to be believed.
    > I left that home and moved back to New Jrsey where
    > I originally was before I moved to TN with them 9 years
    > prior. I was 13 years old. From that age up until
    > curently, I have been placed in numerous and variuos
    > places throughout New Jersey, from Newark, down to Camden,
    > back up to Plainfield, back down to Burlington and all
    > over. I was very smart in school and I found out and
    > understood my rights as a DYFS client. From then I have
    > been calling and following up with my DYFS workers for
    > everything I knew I was suppose to recieve. I called so
    > much that they told me not to call them anymore. I knew
    > all about money I was entitled to recieve as well as
    > benefits when I graduated from school. The messed up thing
    > about DYFS is that now that they have A LOT of residents
    > under their care, they are losing money, so they won't
    > even mention to us about things that we are suppose to get
    > and what's even more messed up is that they think that we
    > are dumb or ignorant to those facts that they expect us
    > not to ask or even mention to them about ANYTHING
    > beneficial to us.
    > Now after being in programs all of my teen life, I
    > have graduated high school and I start college this month.
    > It wasn't easy getting to where I am right now becuase I
    > had a lot emotional issues in my life. Being in DYFS
    > programs, I have been either raped or sexually assualted
    > in some manner 7 times. Each time DYFS was contacted and
    > IAIU came to investigate but nothing ever happened. It was
    > kinda shooed off over time hopefully thinking that the
    > issue was forgotten about. I have had behavioral problems
    > in my life and most of it was because I never felt okay
    > around or even trusted adults. From the rape to the
    > different things each therapist want you to believe is
    > overwhelming. Just think, going to multiple different
    > therapists and each one telling you what is right and what
    > is wrong, each time they are telling you something
    > different from the last thing the pervious one told you
    > and like me when you mention to them that you were taught
    > to believe this thing, they tell you that that is wrong
    > and to believe what they say. These program psychiatrists
    > place us on all types of medication that we don't need.
    > Medication doesn't change our behavior. It only slows down
    > our mental state causing us to have delayed reaction in
    > having acting act behaviors. That in turn causes us to
    > have problems learning and focusing in school. Most times
    > we are told that we have to take the medication or we will
    > either get into trouble with the program via not having
    > free time, privileges, etc, and if we don't take the meds,
    > we are either NOT working on treatment in order to
    > successfully leave the program or like some of us who are
    > on probation, it will count as a violation and we will be
    > violated. If we don't do something that thay expect us to
    > do once we start a certain medication, that is when we are
    > diagnosed with ADHD, Bi-Polar Disorder, ADD and the like.
    > Now with DYFS, I don't know if you notice this as
    > much, but A LOT of clients want to leave DYFS when they
    > turn 18 becuase we can't stand being under their
    > jurisdiction anymore. DYFS worker calmly inform us that we
    > have that option once we turn 18, but fail to mention that
    > if we stay, DYFS WILL pay for us to go to college up until
    > we achieve a bachalor's degree and wil support us
    > finacially in whenever we may stay up until the age of 21.
    > When a child wants to leave DYFS does not stand in there
    > way because they know that is one less person that they
    > have to spend money for. In my situation, when I graduated
    > High school, I had all means of going to college and I
    > wasn't going to let DYFS stand in my way, but USE them for
    > every penny they are worth. When I left the program I was
    > at when I graduated, I had pending juvenile charges.
    > because of those charges DYFS claimed they could not find
    > a place for me to go, grant you this is 6 days after I
    > graduated. I was leaving my program because I was there
    > the maximum stay and now I had to go on to Independent
    > Living. Well the day I left that program and DYFS came to
    > pick me up I had court. When I went to court, the judge
    > asked where I would go if he released me that day and DYFS
    > said there was no place for me to go. To ensure food,
    > water, shelter and my coming to the next court date, I was
    > remanded to the Juvenile Detention Center. and 2 weeks
    > later, Because I was 18, I left the JDC and went to an
    > adult jail. I stayed incarcerated for 5 1/2 months. but
    > you know what the crazy thing is?, the judge gave DYFS
    > every chance and opportunity to find me some place to go
    > and if they did, I could be released. I HAD MENTIONED A
    > WAS GETTING LOCKED UP but DYFS said that that particular
    > program was a setback in treatment for me and wanted me to
    > live on my own. DYFS also told the judge that if I was
    > released anyway, that they would have to place me on
    > Welfare and then by which I would no longer have an active
    > case with DYFS and the would have to close me out due to
    > me being financailly supported through someone else.(
    > Isn't Welfare state governemt? and Isn't DYFS run through
    > the State?) I thought so too, but that is what the judge
    > was told. I stayed in that jail for 5 1/2 months and I can
    > be the first to tell you that it wasn't AY WHERE NEAR FUN!
    > Imagine someone who has never been to jail before going
    > into jail with rapists, gang bangers, druggies and all
    > sorts of people, and your the new young face in town. I
    > was a game to them; being passed around from inmate to
    > inmate and some officers to their sexual satisfaction. I
    > told many SGT's and LT's but nothing was made of it. I
    > told my attorney and my DYFS worker and I was still there.
    > They saw the bruises on my face, neck, and arms and still
    > nothing was done about it. 5 months this went on and
    > instead of fighting back I had to go along with it because
    > then that way I would not have gotten hurt or beaten up as
    > much. Then comes they date of my sentencing which was goin
    > to be me being released on my own, DYFS being court
    > ordered to remain open in my life, as well as being
    > financially supported through them to finish college plans
    > like I HAD PLANNED and STARTED! Do you know what them
    > B**** did, they said to my judge if you give us an hour,
    > we could possibly find him a place to stay that would have
    > supervision and support. they came back an hour later and
    > said that they got me an interview at a certain program
    > and the interview was 3 days later on a Friday, and asked
    > the judge to keep me remanded to the jail for one more
    > week because Friday would be the Interview, they would
    > have an answer if the program accepted me by that monday
    > and Tuesday morning we would come back to court. If I was
    > accepted then DYFS asked for me to be court ordered
    > there, but if they said no, then we would go on for me to
    > live on my own as planned. And THAT's WAT HAPPENED! Now
    > Many things were running in my mind at once. 1) was DYFS
    > just asked me to stay in jail another week, KNOWING what
    > was going on with me in in that jail?, 2) DYFS really just
    > said that could find me a place to go after 5 1/2 months
    > of saying there was NO WHERE for me to go when the judge
    > told them that if there was, I could be released, and 3)
    > the most F***** up one of all, the program that I had an
    > interview for, was the SAME one I had mentioned to them
    > PRIOR to me being incarcerated th every 1st day. And don't
    > you know, that is where I am now. Ya'll pray for me!

    dyfs is sick and discusting. im a parent who is in the
    middle of probably getting my kids taken from me. dyfs
    claims you are unfit then rips your kids outof thier
    families puts them in houses where they are abused
    physically emotionally and sexually. im a loving mother of
    three im drug free and staying with a friend because my kids
    dont have a perfect bed to sleep on because there is no
    room, that is enough to rip my kids from me and put them in
    a wierd home. is that not traumatizing my kids? my kids are
    happy and taken care of, and when they are taken they are
    gonna need therapy. what it really boils down too is that
    when you carry your baby for nine months pop them out, give
    them all your love..... they are not your children, they are
    the governments!! and they are the only ones who are hurting
    these children. im discusted, and i hope and pray to god
    that my children are safe when they take them. im not
    worried about missing my kids. im worried for thier well
    being and safety and since these people claim that im so
    unfit you would think that they would care for these kids
    but they dont. im very sorry for what happened to you, your
    story literally makes me wanna cry, and i hope and pray that
    one day this isnt what my children have to post on the
    internet. my prayers are with you and i hope all is well and
    you can move on with your life. thank you for making me
    aware of what my children are in for and ill do everything
    in my power to make sure it dont happen to them too. good
    luck in life and you are worthy of a good one.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 6/05/08, by Joshua Eggleston.
  • Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 8/15/08, by nikki.
  • Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 10/09/10, by brittney.

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