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    Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!

    Posted by nikki on 8/15/08

    On 6/05/08, Joshua Eggleston wrote:
    > I have been in the custody of DYFS since I was 3 years
    > old. I am 19 now. Since I could remember at a young age, I
    > hated being away from my family. I was placed into DYFS
    > custody because my mother was a drug abuser and was a
    > child when she had me and my older sister, 20, herself.
    > She was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 18 and it
    > progressed to full blown by the age of 24. She died this
    > year on the 22th of January. I wasn't able to see her for
    > 2 years straight after I had found my mother by myself

    I am very sorry that you have had such a sucky life, DYFS
    does that to a lot of us please email me I want to try to
    help.... even if you dont you are on the right track staying
    in school.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 6/05/08, by Joshua Eggleston.
  • Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 8/15/08, by nikki.
  • Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 10/09/10, by brittney.

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