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    Re: Hostage in Michigan and Children being ABUSED

    Posted by Mallorie,, on 11/19/02

    My name is Mallorie Gillespie I am 15 years old and I am
    just wanting to give you a piece of what I think you should
    do. I know by now you are thinking wow a 15 year old, delete
    this message. But my opinoin is as good as anone elses so.
    First off I am sorry to here this and the reason I looked
    your web page up is because I am doing a report on child
    abuse. Abusing a child is the worst thing to do to one. So
    if you would like to have your child back then you need to
    try as hard as you can. You know that you can stop the
    abusing but your child cannot!!! Beause she doesn't know what
    to do. So stand up and do as much as you can. Break the
    rules if you love your child you need to fight to get her
    back!!! Sorry if i sound bossy but I am just trying to help
    from the bottom of my heart!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Hostage in Michigan and Children being ABUSED, 5/30/01, by Karen Comparin.
  • Re: Hostage in Michigan and Children being ABUSED, 11/19/02, by Mallorie.

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