Re: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?
Posted by family law crusader on 1/04/10
you can send a complaint in writing to to Director Christine Mozes fax number 609-984-0507 the office number is 609-292-6320 On 6/19/09, anyone wrote: > I live in NJ. I have five adopted kids. Without getting > into trouble I can only speak about very little of my > case. I have five adopted kids. Our three oldest kids > birth mom had yet another child while using drugs. The > baby was born adicted and other complications. Because > mom surrendered her rights nine years ago they planing > reunification. This baby has only known us for his first > year on this earth. The kids are bonded to this baby and > the baby is bonded with us. Do we have any rights? A > social worker has come to our home three times in eleven > months. The law guardian has come also just three times in > eleven months. I have contacted our senator and of course > all the way up the chain in DYFS yet nothing is being done > for the well being of this child or the other children. > Isn't this supposed to be about the best interests of the > children?