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    Post: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?

    Posted by anyone on 6/19/09

    I live in NJ. I have five adopted kids. Without getting
    into trouble I can only speak about very little of my
    case. I have five adopted kids. Our three oldest kids
    birth mom had yet another child while using drugs. The
    baby was born adicted and other complications. Because
    mom surrendered her rights nine years ago they planing
    reunification. This baby has only known us for his first
    year on this earth. The kids are bonded to this baby and
    the baby is bonded with us. Do we have any rights? A
    social worker has come to our home three times in eleven
    months. The law guardian has come also just three times in
    eleven months. I have contacted our senator and of course
    all the way up the chain in DYFS yet nothing is being done
    for the well being of this child or the other children.
    Isn't this supposed to be about the best interests of the

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 6/19/09, by anyone.
  • Re: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 1/04/10, by family law crusader.
  • Re: Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 2/20/10, by Kellie.

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