Re: destiny and ryan
Posted by you are in wrong place on 9/12/09
go tell your story to jerry springer this is the wrong website for this kinda crap. On 9/11/09, you no who we are wrote: > there is a corrupt case worker that is employed at the > dyfs office in newton n.j. sussex county. her name is judy > rivera she lied in court many times and aided abusers to > continue abousing my children, she has no experience as a > matter of fact she was hired by the agency the same year > my children were taken from me by dyfs, dyfs runs on money > and they dont get money unless they snatch innocent > children from their parents, i say innocent children, > don't condem the parents its about the children that love > their parents and their homes, stop kidnapping our > children judy rivera, get help for you'r controlling > beheavior , get help for you'r hatred toward's men judy > rivera, get help for you'r drug addictions judy rivera, > you'r suposed to be a case worker? look in the mirror stop > abusing children and parents and stop hurting families > judy rivera,.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- destiny and ryan, 9/11/09, by you no who we are.
- Re: destiny and ryan, 9/12/09, by you are in wrong place.