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    Post: Xenophobic/Discrimination

    Posted by Annoymous on 10/03/09

    I've been working at this store for a year now, and have
    heard the Store Manager talking to another employee, this
    employee was jokingly complaining about lots of
    markdown...the manager tols her" you better do it, or do
    you want us to bring in more people with funny names"...I
    assume the "funny names" was used for foreign people or
    people of other race. The employee in question is white
    and everybody in that conversation is white...I was
    working in corner, and they did not know I was there, they
    laugh at the Mangers"joke"...and I stood up so that they
    can see I was there and have heard them, they quickly walk
    away, and the guilt on the some emplyees faces, one
    particular employee is a visual employee I could tell she
    was embarrassed.
    On another occasion, I had a complaint about am employee,
    and one Assistant manager was " mediating"...I have repeat
    every sentence, she made me repeat every sentence and I
    could the sascarms in her face every time she make me
    repeat myself. This same Assistant manager, did the same
    thing with a another Buisness Manager, she is foreign, and
    she made her repeat what she was saying, also having a
    sascarsm on her face smiling and looking around, as if
    foreign people are funny or something, as she was looking
    around, she saw me,I gave her a look, that said, that was
    not funny....not only that we are in a very competitive
    environment, sales associate will always say something bad
    about each other to eliminates my case I
    think they are watching me as if I steal or
    one point the guard was following me when I was lunch and
    spying...or if they see me talking or even buying form
    another department, there will always be somebody with a
    red shirt(guards) around....I have never stolen anythin in
    my life, and do not intend to steal anything...this is so
    frustrating and demeaning..above all we have to deal with
    racist customers as well, 2 days ago a customers did not
    want my help and she was just plain angry, I stood by the
    registar, and left her alone, as expected she went to pay
    with another" white " associate, but I was who greeted her
    and offered to help her, she complained that I pressured
    and watched her the eintire time, which is not true, my
    manager took her side not even asking my side of the
    story...see the customer is white....these are daily
    things people go through at Dillards..I left that day, I'm
    not sure what will happen today....I'm not sure if the
    customer have called personnel and she was asking where
    they were located, and said something that I did not
    hear...I assume she will call from always i
    will be wrong or even fired.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Xenophobic/Discrimination, 10/03/09, by Annoymous.

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