Post: Dillards discrimination

Posted by dominic Frontier on 8/29/11
I worked for Dillard's store in the merit island mall for over 5 years! I achieved the status of pacesetter for 5 consecutive years. I was the witness of much discrimination, one day I was called by the camera room to watch a BLACK MALE looking suspicious. At Dillard's if you are black you are suspicious. I then approached him and introduce myself he responded to my salutation by giving me his name as as Mike. I went back to my station and proceeded to my daily chores, when the camera room called back, the British middle age associate asked me bluntly what was the conversation was about I gave her the name of the individual! She replied (these black people don't carry names like that, he's a liar they all have name like DE Shawn or Rash awn therefore he's a shoplifter). As a security details Dillard's hired some deputies from the Brevard sheriff department, one of them a swat team guys by the name of Mark was also a reserve sergeant in the air force, he was called back to duty in Afghanistan for six month in return he was fired .Dillard's using the 6 months absence rule to terminate him. Here is a guy who put his life in danger by protecting us against the street thugs and the al-Qaida terrorist and this is the way they thank him. WHAT IS THE LAW???? ANY ONE WHO CAN HELP SEND AN E-MAIL to FRANKENSTENF@YAHOO.COM
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Dillards discrimination, 8/29/11, by dominic Frontier.