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    Post: UnEqual Pay, discrimination, denied vacation... any options?

    Posted by Aline ,, on 9/12/01

    First of all, let me apologize for the lengthiness of this
    post, I had intended to write a very abridged version, but
    got on a roll and just kept going...
    I work in a Long John Silvers restaurant in WV, and have
    loved my job for over 3 years. In the past few months,
    however, several things have happened which have lead me to
    believe that my rights have been violated from the
    beginning of my employment at LJS, and that I'm being
    discrimminated against.
    My boss had "recruited" me from another restaurant.He
    requested that I apply for work at LJS, suggesting that I
    might get more satisafaction than I had with the job I had
    at the time.The shift he was offering was preferable, so I
    agreed, and during my initial interview, asked if I could
    be started at my then-current rate of pay, which was
    slightly higher than minimum wage. He shook his head and
    stated "I wish I could, but my hands are tied. I'm required
    to start everyone at minimum wage."
    I had two raises in my first year of employment... the
    first after three months, another after six months, which
    were based on written evaluations by my boss, who is the
    store manager. At the time he was required to do quarterly
    evaluations on all employees. I did not receive another
    raise for over two years, and have had only those first two
    evaluations. When I inquired early in my second year of
    employment as to why he'd stopped doing evaluations, my
    boss informed me that they were no longer required. I later
    learned that he was still doing written evaluations, but
    only on the employees to whom he intended to give pay
    The need for Team Leaders (a non-management position of
    authority) at LJS is tremendous. Although I have been
    offered the position several times I declined the promotion
    due to the shift requirements involved. I was told by my
    boss and our area supervisor (my boss' boss) that there
    would eventually be a ceiling on my wages, since a team
    member can't be paid more than a Team Leader, who is in a
    higher position of authority. I readily accepted that,
    however, I still expected to receive periodic increases in
    I have received numerous compliments on my job
    performance from all levels... including a visiting
    corporate vice president (LJS parent corp., Yorkshire
    Global Corporation) who seemed quite pleased with my
    performance, and also inquired as to why I haven't trained
    for management.
    Recently my boss hired two new employees who had prior
    LJS experience with the intention of training both for the
    TL position. One (male) had worked at LJS for eight months,
    several years earlier. Our only current TL has obtained
    other employment, and will be leaving soon, therefore the
    managers need a replacement immediately. According to the
    employee manual which was supplied to me at my date of
    hire, an employee is considered to be a "new hire" if they
    have been gone for more than 180 days. I made reference to
    the manual over a year ago, and was told by my boss that it
    was no longer valid, and that new, updated manuals would be
    supplied. Over a year later, and after repeated requests,
    I'm still waiting, and the "old" manual was still being
    supplied to new employees until just a few weeks ago. My
    boss refuses to supply the manual to me from one of
    the "new hire packets".
    The male employee was hired at a rate of 15 cents per
    hour higher than what I was being paid after three years of
    employment there. Since my request of a higher than minimum
    starting wage had been refused, and I had by this time
    accrued more experience than his prior employment period, I
    was upset. I spoke to an assistant manager who'd worked at
    another LJS, and was informed that, to her knowledge, there
    was never a requirement to start everyone at minimum wage,
    and that since I'd been "recruited" for the position, she
    thought my request to start higher should have been
    honored. I started researching EEOC regulations, civil
    rights, Fair Labor standards, etc.. which I discussed with
    another employee. The employee informed my boss of this,
    and I was given an almost immediate raise, equalizing my
    wages to that of the new male employee. I was not, however,
    given an evaluation of any kind. The current (female) TL
    was also rehired specifically to train for her current
    position. She was within the 180 period and had several
    years prior experience, but was started at a lower rate of
    pay than the male, who has yet to promote, since it turns
    out he isn't qualified for the position because he lacks a
    high school diploma or G.E.D.
    Another male employee was given routine written
    evaluations and raises, although he was hired at a later
    date than I was hired. The employee recieved hire wages
    after two years of employment than I was receiving after
    three years. That particular employee had received write-
    ups for failure to follow procedures. A competent employee,
    but his job performance was not superior to my own, and I
    have never been written up for a violation of any kind.
    The second new employee, also a TL trainee, was hired
    about five weeks ago. I worked with her several days, and
    she seemed fine at first, although somewhat stern in her
    attitude towards existing employees. The following week,
    however, her behavior towards me was rude, and I noticed
    hostile glances which were directed towards me. It made me
    very uncomfortable. Other employees and even customers
    noticed and commented, but I couldn't think of anything I'd
    done to offend her. After another couple of weeks, the
    woman made an allegation to a TL, who was the "manager on
    duty", that she had reason to believe that I, along with
    the stores only assistant manager, were stealing from the
    cash registers. It was a totally unsubstanciated
    accusation, a harsh conclusion, which she'd jumped to
    extremely quickly. I have never, and will never commit that
    offense. On another occasion when I had accidently closed
    my register, I gave a customer change ($1) from my pocket
    (I asked another employee to witness the transaction), When
    the manager was available, I and asked him to use his key
    to open the drawer so that I could retrieve the bill. After
    the manager left the room, the woman VERY LOUDLY asked
    me "Do you need change for your drawer, because I SAW you
    put that money in your pocket!" Although I knew what she
    was insinuating, she didn't ask the question, so I just
    replied no, that I had plenty of change. She again VERY
    LOUDLY asked if I needed change, because she SAW me put
    that dollar in my pocket. I did not discuss the transaction
    with her, and she didn't ask me anything about it, just
    made another inaccurate assumption. She is a new employee
    who has yet to be promoted to TL, and I feel she has no
    right to question my work or ethics, particularly when the
    manager had personally opened the drawer as I requested. It
    was, however, humiliating, and embarrassing. The woman
    watches me constantly, scrutinizes everything I do, as does
    her boyfriend, who is usually present during her work
    hours... although employees are asked not to have friends
    and relatives hanging around at work, as is clearly stated
    in the employee manual.
    A couple of weeks ago it occurred to me that her obvious
    dislike for me began after I brought some pictures to work
    from a weekend trip I'd made with my boyfriend, and our
    children. I'm in a long term, and more than likely
    (hopefully) permanent relationship, which also happens to
    be interracial. At first I dismissed the idea of racial
    predjudice, as I've never encountered that particular bias
    before. I have since however, overheard the woman referring
    to "those people"... "that's why we moved down here from
    NJ, to get away from those people, they're all over the
    place up there" .Then, a few days ago, I also noticed that
    she decorates her vehicle with Confederate flags. Being
    from NJ, I don't believe the confederate flags have
    anything to do with southern pride, plus, another employee
    has gotten visibly upset about statements the woman has
    made to her about being very glad to be a bigot. The woman
    comes into the restaurant even on her days off, and after
    yesterdays World trade center disaster, she was today
    making loud statements about "bleeding heart liberals"
    being responsible for the catastrophy. She is very loud and
    very offensive, and I'm very uncomfortable around her. I
    told my boss today that I've reached my limit, and that I'm
    not willing to listen to anymore predjudice remarks. I
    didn't know he was even aware they were being made, but he
    laughed, then said "Then it's a good thing you weren't here
    to hear me yesterday" (refering to conversations which have
    apparently been taking place in the aftermath of the World
    Trade Center disaster). I was not amused. After three
    years, I now dread going to work every day. I'm having
    trouble getting to sleep at night. I'm constantly upset at
    work, and about work. I have no appetite, and have lost
    about 10 lbs in the past month (I don't mind the weight
    loss, but this isn't a healthy diet). I have dreams about
    being at work and I wake up in tears. I'm usually a very
    content individual, rarely get into bad moods. But since
    this woman has been at LJS, people are constantly asking me
    what's wrong. As a result, I'm seeking other employment,
    and most likely leaving LJS in the near future.
    I've also been denied earned vacation days. In December
    of 2000, I requested an assistant manager (no longer
    employed with the company) to schedule my remaining
    vacation days before the end of the year because I was
    afraid I would lose them. He told me that I had until
    January 31 of the following year to use vacation days.
    Although vacation days do "roll over" for salaried
    managers, the assistant was not aware that they do
    not "roll over" for hourly employees. When I requested to
    take the vacation days the following month, the general
    manager informed me that I had missed the deadline. I
    explained the situation, and he made an inquiry to the
    payroll department, which he said was not answered. At the
    time, I left the situation alone, feeling I had no options,
    even though I had requested to take the vacation days prior
    to the deadline.
    More recently... the employee manual states that "an
    employee in thier third year of employment" receives 10
    paid vacation days in the following year. I was given 7
    days, and have made numerous inquiries to my boss about
    this, and since he can't see any reason for the
    discrepancy, he's again made several inquiries to payroll,
    which went unanswered. The repeated lack of response made
    me also question the previously vacation days, denied due
    to the missed deadline. I respectfully informed my boss
    that I need a satifactory response to the vacation issue,
    since I'll probably be leaving soon, at which point I'll
    have to seek assistance outside of the company. Payroll
    then finally responded that I received 7 paid vacation days
    because as of 08-31-2000 I was still in my 2nd year of
    employment. However, having been hired on August 27, 1998,
    I was actually in my 3rd year of employment on 08-31-2000.
    My boss also inquired of his immediate supervisor via
    email reguarding the previously denied vacation days, and
    the supervisor responded, stating that if I had reported
    the lost vacation days to my (direct) boss at the time,
    something might be done, but that I had waited too long.
    But my boss had clearly stated in his inquiry that he had
    made a request concerning the issue tp payroll at that time.
    Although I've talked to my boss about the vacation days
    issue, I haven't discussed the bigotted woman with him (or
    the hostile environment,) because in the past when I went
    to him reguarding a TL who was offending customers AND
    stealing (of which the assistant manager, the manager, and
    later, the supervisor were aware) he defended the TL... as
    stated previously, TL's are in short supply, so apparently
    ANY TL is better than none. I, on the other hand, although
    an exceptional "service specialist", apparently have very
    little value.
    So... over the past three years, my boss and/or Yorkshire
    Global Corporation...
    ... lied about having to hire me at the lower wage...
    ...hired male employees at higher starting pay rates
    (and expected me to help train the man for a higher
    ...denied me written evaluations, needed to get deserved
    and earned raises, thereby significantly
    decreasing my income and reducing the amount of earned
    income credit I recieved on my tax returns...
    ...given more frequent and higher raises to male
    employees who were hired at a later date, yet did not
    perform better on the job...
    ...has contributed to, and allowed predjudice racial
    remarks and conversations to take place in the
    workplace, and being aware that the bigottry is there,
    has thereby allowed the workplace to become, and
    continue to remain a hostile environment for me and
    ...has, and continues to deny me vacation days which are
    earned and due me. I can accept the 7 days if I have
    to, although I was technically in my third year on the date
    specified, but I really feel that II deserve to
    be reimbersed for the days I requested and was refused...
    ...broken my heart, because I though my boss was someone
    I could count on... I feel humiliated by the way
    I've been treated, and ashamed for being gullible enough
    not to have realized most of this until so
    recently. My self-esteem has suffered greatly...
    Do I have legitimate cause for action? What options do I
    have? What charges can I file? And with whom? Do I need to
    file individual charges with numerous agencies? Should I
    find a qualified attorney who will work on contingency?
    Yorkshire Global is a huge corporation, with a team of
    expensive lawyers, and I feel very insignificant at the
    moment. I don't want to file a lawsuit I can't win.
    According to the information I've found so far, some
    statutes of limitations have expired, but I wasn't aware
    that certain violations were taking place until long after
    they occurred.
    I'm very glad to have found this website. I'll be grateful
    for any advice I can get, but thanks in advance for at
    least letting me "talk" about my situation.

    Aline in Wv

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  • UnEqual Pay, discrimination, denied vacation... any options?, 9/12/01, by Aline .

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