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    Post: Sexual Vulgarity

    Posted by Kelly,, on 12/21/01

    Im not sure if Im sending this to the right message board
    area. I was going in with a friend to a job where he had
    just been terminated to get his last paycheck so he
    wouldnt have any misunderstandings with anyone he just
    wanted to get his check. Well I was walking in ahead of
    him holding my sons hand and there were two employees in
    uniform in the picnic area talking. And I heard one of
    them say you know what they ought to do with her they just
    ought to take her out back and f*** her. My friend was
    terminated for a similiar occurence that he says didnt
    happan but someone else corroborated it.
    I had went in and asked my friend to get the manager on
    duty we went to a gentleman named Harvey and he went right
    out there. Then a few minutes later he came in and said
    there was a drunk out there and he said it and he
    just "walked" off. I know that wasnt true because I saw
    both of the men in uniform and my friend recognized one of
    them. So I had him get another manager named Heather.
    She blew me right off said she was leaving in 10minutes
    she would call the GM. I didnt feel like sitting there
    arguing aboutit 2 managers had already blew me off about
    this. They already made the point clear they didnt believe
    me and I dont feel like this matter was resolved
    properly. And I really take offense to what he said about
    women in the presence of me and my son. They made me feel
    because of my friend they didnt feel they needed to talk
    to me about this. What can I do about this and does
    anyone know about any Maine lawyers who can help me.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Sexual Vulgarity, 12/21/01, by Kelly.
  • Re: Sexual Vulgarity, 12/22/01, by Beth.

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