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    Post: Grandchild visitation

    Posted by Deb,, on 2/28/02

    My son and his girlfriend had a baby in September. For
    whatever reason, his girlfriend now feels that since she is
    the mother, she knows what is best and her word is final.
    The problem: They live with her parents and she refuses to
    let the baby be brought over to see my sons side of the
    family (myself, his sister(s)). I have seen him for a
    couple of hours since September and have not had a
    opportunity to bond with him as a grandparent. I don't see
    the situation getting any better for my son is spineless
    and won't stand up for his rights as a dad to make
    decisions for his son. He feels that she will make him
    leave and he will only be able to see his son whenever the
    courts let him, so it's better to let things be as they are
    than to ruffle her feathers and have her turn on him. Any
    suggestions? I live in Jackson, Michigan.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Grandchild visitation, 2/28/02, by Deb.

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