Re: Child Support Enforcement is a Violation of Men's Rights
Posted by Jennifer on 12/08/06
I have to agree with you. I think that every man should have
equal rights when it comes to parenting.
On 9/09/02, Mike wrote:
> To the authors of these notations:
> Men do have a right to consent according to the Constitution.
> If a man has accepted his role as a father then yes he is bound
> to that privledge (commonly irresponsibly uttered as
> responsibility thanks to child support and sole custody awards).
> If a man simply had sexual intercourse with a woman she
> does not have the right to decide if he will become responsible
> for that child if she chooses to conceive. The 14th amendment
> guarantees equal protection of laws. Also equal liberties
> (privileges and immunities) found under article 4, section 2,
> and second sentence.
> This brings to light the matter of child support...
> Since parenting is an equal right under the Constitution how can
> a woman or man assume they can seek sole custody? If both
> parents are congruent Citizens the Constitution does not support
> and flatly denies such an award of privilege. 14th amendment,
> section 1.
> This would indicate that parents must equally divide the
> parenting role... like it or not that is the only fair way to
> handle it. This is also in "the Childs best interest" the child
> will see unity and not be divided from one parent or the other.
> Your identification of a deadbeat dad... Stop! Listen to
> what you just said and think about the current conditions. Turn
> them 180 degrees. You cannot walk in a mans shoes. A man is
> flatly denied custody and is slated to become an involuntary
> servant. Is this what he agreed to? No it isn't, he agreed to be
> a father and now you have allowed the courts to strip him of his
> equal right. How would you feel if this happened to you... you
> would be devastated? Don't believe for one second that a man
> does not have feelings. Men do have feelings but they are not by
> custom allowed to show them. This is precisely why many men act
> as they do. For men who do not act this way... good for you but
> don’t judge another guy because your situation may have differed
> greatly and perhaps you didn’t give a rats about your
> relationship. You had better wizen up, you are a victim also and
> your life is drastically affected by legislation in this issue
> regardless of your actions. Your child is being subjected to the
> nuance of your unworthy role. Think about that impact and how
> your Childs views will be forged. So... until men’s rights are
> honored equally regarding this issue don't call another father a
> dead beat dad when he has been literally raped of his most
> sacred role in life! You cannot assume a father is a "dead beat"
> until he has been afforded equal rights and has then dishonored
> his role as a father. Until then… hold your judgment for the
> creator’s courtroom.
> Many of you are quick to Judge but you never think through
> the whole issue before you speak. Think about that... you’re
> getting screwed any way you cut it. As women you think you are
> getting a good deal, your really getting the raw end of the
> stick, so is the child and so is the father. You all loose.
> Unless the legislation honors equality and equal rights we as a
> nation all lose. Some how some way we all get shafted with the
> current legislation.
> I took the liberty to expound upon this topic much deeper.
> Look uner the other Mikes entry.