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    Re: on disability/ being harrased

    Posted by Bella,, on 9/10/03

    On 6/13/02, carol wrote:
    > I have a neighbor problem,, I'am on social sercurity
    > disability,,because of a cronic back problem in michigan!
    > My next door neighbor is constanley has a camera on me
    > I'am outside,,she claims its in her window watching me,
    > well today I was cutting my grass and she has done this
    > before she came outside with the camera and was filming
    > now if she has a camera on at all times in the window why
    > does she come out on her porch and do it..I feel that this
    > is harrasement,,she tells the neighbors that there is
    > nothing wrong with me and I'am screwing everyone that
    > well my back problems are very serious I go to therapy 3
    > times a week just to be able to be able to try and do stuff
    > I have had 3 surgerys on my back,, I'am on pain patches
    > pain pills,,is this not harrasement and delimation of
    > charater? I also today took the hose and squirted her
    > while she was filming me,, she called the police,,they
    > never talked to me,,can she have me arrested for squirting
    > the hose at her???
    > thank you

    First of all, Michigan is a no-fault state, that just about
    means anyone can do anything they want to do, but if she is
    using any kind of camera to tape you WITHOUT your
    permission, that is Illegal! If I were you, I would contact
    a lawyer right away, it doesn't matter if your back hurts or
    not, you have to continue to live and do the things that you
    are capable of doing without someone telling you otherwise,
    hell if I were on all those kinds of pain meds, I wouldn't
    have a problem moving my grass either! You need to take a
    stand for yourself and get that nosey neighbor out of your
    hair..I was arrested for video taping someone without their
    permission, and the term for such thing is called:
    Eavesdropping Installing Device! I too, live in Michigan and
    I know what its all about...Its wrong....Good Luck to you!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • on disability/ being harrased, 6/13/02, by carol.
  • Re: on disability/ being harrased, 9/09/02, by Cindy.
  • Re: on disability/ being harrased, 9/10/03, by Bella.
  • Re: on disability/ being harrased, 12/31/03, by Annetta.

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