Re: sister
Posted by Your Pal on 9/14/02
Carry a Photo and Video Tape Camera, and a Tape Recorder and catch her in the act. On 9/14/02, Maria S wrote: > My sister is living in a housing developement and has been > reporting for the longest time that her neighbor has been > throwing eggs at her apt and now today she broke my > sister's car window and when my sister called the police > they did nothing they did not arrest her neighbor and as a > matter of fact wanted to take my sister to jail because she > was very upset and wanted to fight the woman she has > everything documented and also everytime me or anyone else > in my family go to visit the neighbor starts harrassing us > but since we do not live there we just leave but its not > fair. A week ago this same woman tried to run 3 of my > sisters kids over with her car. what can I do to help my > sister I am so worried about her and the kids saftey and > she can't afford to move. PLEASE HELP ME HELP HER.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- sister, 9/14/02, by Maria S.
- Re: sister, 9/14/02, by Your Pal.
- Re: sister, 10/01/02, by MARIA S.