Re: Why do we Filipinos are often discriminated
Posted by Expie,, on 10/10/01
Before I answer this question I would like to ask you-Who
discriminates against you? Is it the nations richer than you or
poorer than you that discriminate? Probably the richer ones.
Try to go as a Filipino with money to places such as Vietnam,
Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos and maybe even poor African countries and
also to Papua New Guinea. I am sure that you will be treated like
kings and invited to people's homes. Maybe you will be offered
marriage, too.
Now, if you go to a country that is richer than yours to look for a
job, you will be discriminated against. The fact that you are darker
in your skin color than the richer, whiter locals will also worsen
the treatment.
In short, the formula- you are from a richer country and with money?
Whiter than the locals?- You are welcome!
You are from a poorer country and darker than the locals and are
looking for a job- you are not welcome...
That will apply to all countries- seems to be a universal principle.
In Germany they do not want poor East Europeans. In Russia they do
not want poor Turkic people. But rich Japanese are welcome.
If one is a poor African with no education and very Black skin and or
a poor man from India looking for a job in the Philippines and who is
without much money will he be welcome? I do not think so. Probably
treated like a dog by most employers.
Now, if you are a rich Americano or Japanese-you are a king there.
There you go. Got it?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Why do we Filipinos are often discriminated, 8/30/00, by Zidac Nylrhose.
- Re: Why do we Filipinos are often discriminated, 10/10/01, by Expie.
- Re: Why do we Filipinos are often discriminated, 8/17/04, by Thai Tea.