Post: ethics
Posted by phyllis s. on 8/28/02
an attorney whom i have known for years, an acquaintence of mine, someone whose home i visited in the past, whom also came to my house to buy antiques in the past with his wife, who is my friend, just called me to tell me he was representinfg a person with whom i was involved. i might say that this attorneys wife and i are still friends, even through they are divorced of recent. he may even know we are still friedns and maybe he does not like that., i don't really know. anyway, he told me on the phone that i did not have to listen to him, but if i did not, that this whole thing would or could? blow up in everyones face. i could hardly believe this . it sounded like a threat to me right off. he is representing someone i was with. this attorney knows me, met my family, knew at length about my past relationship with my previous man friend. he had even given me advice in the past, like a friend who cares would do, i even saw him in his office to help me with something to do with a patent at one time.i feel this is a huge conflict of interest. what can you tell me and to whom can i report this to? phyllis
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- ethics, 8/28/02, by phyllis s..