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    Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc

    Posted by EVELYN WOODSON on 11/17/04

    On 2/07/04, Pamela wrote:
    > On 3/16/03, MisssTreated1 wrote:
    >> On 9/03/02, wrote:
    >>> I am an African-American female. The actions of 2 judges
    >>> are actually helping my former partner defraud me of 4.5
    >>> million dollars in assets we built together. The horrible
    >>> abuse by 2 superior court judges has permeated to other
    >>> Judges after I filed a CCP 170.3 and 170.6. I was a victim
    >>> of domestic abuse defending myself against my white male
    >>> cohabitatiing partner o f 11 years.Our attorney for the
    >>> buiness who I have known for years decided to represent
    >>> him. Due to his relationship with Judges he was able to use
    >>> the domestic violence court to gain an unfair advantage in
    >>> the civil case and unlawful detainer case he filed after I
    >>> refused to remove my restraining order.The Judge in the
    >>> domestic violence court was abusive and disrepectful
    >>> towards my African Male attorney, he was relieved of
    >>> counsel and that is when I suffered more abuse then you
    >>> can even imagine.
    >>> The Judge in the domestic violence court allowed my former
    >>> partner to take all of my original eveidence of our 11 year
    >>> business relationship. I went to the presiding Judge for
    >>> help, and the Judge sentenced me to jail for contempt of
    >>> court for misrepresenting the court. At the same time, she
    >>> gave immediate possesion of my residence to my fomrer
    >>> partner when he had not lived in the home for 6 months. He
    >>> took all of the other evidecne along wiht all of my
    >>> personal belongings. The Judge threatened to send me to
    >>> jail again and sanctioned me for over $23,000.00 in
    >>> judgements. After I was released from Jail, I was homeless.
    >>> I presented orignal cashiers checks and loads of proof that
    >>> I was never a tenant and that I would prevail at trial but
    >>> I never got to go to trial. My civl case is still pending
    >>> trial. zThere is more abuse, but I need to get a fair
    >>> hearing and a fair trial before Judges that are nnot biased
    >>> against me. who do I contact to call for an investigation?
    >>> so far I am communicating wiht the commission on judicial
    >>> performance, the judicial council, thre justice department,
    >>> the naacp, the aclu and several domeistic violence advocacy
    >>> groups, the state bar as well. Do you have any mmore
    >>> suggestions? I do not have an attotney.
    >> Dear Stopbiasnow,
    >> I can truly relate to your situation.Are you in California by
    >> chance?
    >> I have been a subject to FRAUD by my local courts.
    >> Judges,Atty's,Paralegals have stolen my deceased father's
    >> property.I have tried over 550 atty's to take my case,so I can
    >> get this b/s to end once and for all.
    >> Have you ever read a book called "What attorny's Don't Want
    >> You To Know" it will show you the simple steps how our judges
    >> are bought into elections by attorny's contributing money to
    >> these judges campaigns.A guarantee of the "Barter-System".
    >> It's called " THE GOOD-OLD BOY NETWORK".
    >> Unfortunately the more I research the more I find how corrupt
    >> our "SO-CALLED JUSTICE SYSTEM" really is.
    >> Please let me know how things are turning out for you.Hang in
    >> there.My b/s by my California local courts have been exceeding
    >> in their fraudulant acts now for 6 years.This organized crime
    >> needs to stop!Don't you agree?
    >> Keep in touch,
    > It is so true! The justice system is a waste of time and
    > I can think of better ways to spend tax payer's dollars, like
    > feeding hungry children or shelter for the homeless. I posted
    > message titled "corruption in Lee Co. Ky" and when the justice
    > system fails, it is usually children who suffer the most,
    > either directly or indirectly. And what makes it worse is the
    > fact that these judges and lawyers get-away with all thier
    > illegal acts. Woo, unto the judges and the lawyers. Woo them
    > all to hell.....!
    > I only hope they overdose on thier drugs when they confiscate
    > them from citizens to use as so called evidence that ends up
    > disappearing out of the evidence room. That's how things are
    > Lee Co. Ky.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, discrimi, 9/03/02, by
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 12/03/02, by Larie.
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 3/16/03, by MisssTreated1.
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 2/07/04, by Pamela.
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 11/17/04, by EVELYN WOODSON.
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 12/14/08, by EVELYN TYSON. WOODSON.
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 6/21/09, by Suzanne .
  • Re: calling for investigation into judical abuse, bias, disc, 6/28/09, by Michael J. Bailey.

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