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    Re: Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic vi

    Posted by Lynn on 1/01/04

    Funny thing, I have been involved in a bitter custody battle,
    whereas my daughters mother has used every dirty trick in the
    book, but this last one tops the cake. When threatened with
    further litigation after threatening my visitation interference
    she went to the Police Dept and filed allegations of Rape, then
    went to the Womens Shelter. I was immediately arrested, thrown in
    jail, I spoke with the cops, they didn't believe it, the District
    Magistrate (PA) didn't believe it, but informed me the Womens
    Shelter was watching over his shoulder and gave me a 25,000.00
    bond, I made this bond the next day after spending the night in
    jail, the following week at the preliminary hearing, my attorney
    and I looking at the Hospital report showing everything negative,
    the supposed victim, escorted by the womens shelter, my daughters
    mother gets "On Stage" and lies through her teeth, the judge then
    sets it for trial, I'm looking at twenty years in sing sing, and
    nobody has yet to even talk to me yet to get my side of the
    story. She later finds out that we have an excellant case against
    her and can pretty much prove my innocence, she drops the charges.
    Twice article appear in the paper humiliating me, which the
    shelter had gotten ahold of and 5,000.00 later I'm in the clear.
    I spoke with a very good attorney about civil rights violations,
    but he said he didn't think there would be a case against the
    shelter. Talk about abuse of a system!
    On 5/05/03, M.Silver wrote:
    > Dear Yo,
    > Interesting responce to the facts surrounding false use of
    > domestic violence restraining orders. THis projects the
    > mentality of a typical womens center agency. Not willing to
    > hear fact or discover the truth. Refuses to accept a challange.
    > It is clear that their intention IS NOT to help families , but
    > to destroy families for profit and unjustified marxist idoligy.
    > As for the unethical lawyers out there, it is apparent the
    > almighty dollar rules over the welfare of children.
    > Clear abuse of the system HAS been exposed. Those who believe
    > they are above the law will face the same legal devastation
    > they have caused others.
    > On 5/04/03, yo wrote:
    >> bull. move on.
    >> On 10/09/02, M.Silver wrote:
    >>> Since many womens shelters have sprung up throughout the
    >>> USA, with federal and State funding plentiful for this
    >>> nobel cause, many lawyers have picked up on the benifits of
    >>> using domestic violence laws as a sward in divorce
    >>> litigation VS the defensive shield they were designed for.
    >>> Countless men and families are destroyed by the unethical
    >>> use of such laws, which do not hold lawyers accountable for
    >>> the misuse of the draconion measures our legal system
    >>> provides. THe sprit of these laws was to protect truely
    >>> battered women.
    >>> With a simple claim of "fear for my life" a women client
    >>> can get claim to the house, full custody of the kids, 3
    >>> times the nominal support and the father is completely
    >>> criminalized. THis occurs with no proof , altercation,
    >>> police intervention.
    >>> Later the lawyer works with the womens advocate shelter for
    >>> back up support in determining that domestic violence
    >>> occured. The shelters are not harboring good will for the
    >>> situation but only embraces an avenue to lay claim that
    >>> domestic violence occured.
    >>> Remember absolutely no altercation has occured , yet
    >>> lawyers and shelter groups are free to obtain restraining
    >>> orders, which in most cases are permenant based on
    >>> absulutely false claims.
    >>> Even if proven to be false there are no penalities for
    >>> perjury on the part of the lawyer of the shelter group.
    >>> THis senerio is happening by the thousands each day and
    >>> lawyers are making a bundle off the system.
    >>> Lawyers are using the womens shelters as their advertising
    >>> arm to encourage divorce and the break up of families.
    >>> For the lawyer this means the difference between a divorse
    >>> case of a few thousand dollars VS hundreds of thousands.
    >>> Clearly, there must be some oversight for the unethical
    >>> lawyers that abuse these laws and the womens shelters that
    >>> do not operate on the level.
    >>> In the Monmouth County NJ area there is such a tight system
    >>> that is resembles a legal form of extortion.
    >>> Can anyone provide input regarding the lawyers who sit on
    >>> the board of directors for a womens shelter and pretend to
    >>> advocate for men? Is this a conflict of interest?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic violen, 10/09/02, by M.Silver.
  • Re: Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic vi, 5/04/03, by yo.
  • Re: Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic vi, 5/05/03, by M.Silver.
  • Re: Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic vi, 1/01/04, by Lynn.
  • Re: Conflict of interest , Womens shelter group, domestic vi, 2/03/04, by MSilver.

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