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    Posted by Abused by the system on 11/30/02

    On 11/27/02, smokey wrote:
    > I am a 'very attractive' black female who just so happens
    > to be musician. (really good one) I was pulled over in a
    > small municipality whose reputation is not for being
    > friendly towards african americans. Because there are so
    > many of these jurisdictions - I was not exactly sure which
    > Jurisdiction I was in.
    > Because of my hearing problem - I did not hear any sirens.
    > I was on the highway (not a high speed chase) and officers
    > from three jurisdictions responded to the call.
    > It was 2:45 am on a Sunday Morning. An officer from
    > another jurisdiction - not the one that I was stopped in -
    > took control of the arrest from the officers whose
    > jurisdiction I was in. They did not have a mutual contract
    > aid agreement and according to the officers deposition - it
    > is likely he was not even on duty when the stop was made.
    > The officer talked the jurisdictional officers into letting
    > him arrest me. During a pat search - I was fondled by the
    > police officer. At the time I had no less than five (5) I
    > am now finding out - traffic warrants out for my arrest.
    > I was tortured at the arrest scene and at the police
    > station. I told the officer I was going to report him so
    > he held me hostage in the police vehicle. He wanted me to
    > wet on myself because i had to use the bathroom and he used
    > this as a means of getting me to say that I wouldn't tell.
    > I told him that I was going to wait until I got to the next
    > Police station.
    > When I got there - he pinched my nipples and threw me in
    > the cell with the cuffs still on. Even though there was a
    > toilet there - he would not take off the cuffs. I
    > struggled to remove the tight jeans I was wearing while
    > cuffed behind my back - but it was too late. He watched me
    > use the bathroom on myself. Still would not remove cuffs.
    > As I was removing the cuffs while handcuffed behind my back-
    > my underwear came down. I was upset and was screaming
    > obscenities- civil rights quotings and hysterically crying -
    > and not knowing they were videotaping...
    > I reported the incident the next day to the internal
    > affairs who told me that the officer told him that there
    > was a videotape of me assaulting an officer in another
    > jurisdiction.
    > The officer placed assault charges against me stating that
    > I kicked him. Thinking that this tape might be useful in
    > court - I asked my attorney to get a copy of it.
    > It turned out to be only the portions of me in the cell
    > with my underwear down. 90&37; of the tape is missing. The
    > only portions that the officers had were the 'indecent'
    > ones.
    > I asked my attorneys to let me see it. They must have
    > given it to me before they looked at it themselves. I get
    > the impression that they did not believe me when I told
    > them what happened because they made no attempts to
    > investigate until after depositions were taken.
    > My attorneys told me that if I did not take a deal that the
    > tape would be shown to a jury - naked parts and all. They
    > threatened to quit if I showed the tape to the media or the
    > feds. I gave them the tape back. Their attitude changed
    > towards me when they found out that I had been requesting
    > public information from the jurisdiction where the incident
    > occurred.
    > After consulting every lawyer in town- one told me to check
    > the jurisdiction where it happened and hung up.
    > That is when I found out that my attorney was the Judge
    > where the incident occurred. This is why he did not depose
    > the officers who relinquished the responsibility on to the
    > abusing officer.
    > I found out the attorneys associate had been sharing
    > information with the city personnel of where abusing
    > officer worked. Even after I wrote both sides informing
    > them not to share information about me - they continued to
    > do so.
    > Out of retaliation - and after requests and phone calls to
    > these lawyers went unanwered. The company I work for is
    > owned by an attorney. They even showed my employer the
    > nude videotape without my permission. My employer is now
    > being abusive after finding out that I reported the
    > attorney to the Chief Disciplinary Counsel- who made them
    > return physical evidence that they were holding - including
    > the videotape- to keep me from showing it to the media.
    > One judge has already quit after disclosing that he had
    > knowledge that my attorney was in conflict - all along.
    > He unloaded me onto another judge - which was not the
    > proper court procedure where there are more than two judges
    > at that level. I have filed numerous motions that the
    > current judge is refusing to honor.
    > The current judge says I cannot get a public defender -
    > even though I am bankrupt due to these proceedings.
    > The police evens states he cannot prove I kicked him. I
    > think the lawyers told them I will sue so they must convict
    > me so that I cannot win a malicious prosecution suit.
    > I am way passed the speedy trial requirement - and never
    > signed a waiver of speedy trial. The judge says if I don't
    > get a lawyer he is going to lock me up for six months.
    > What should I do?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • MY ATTORNEY - MY JUDGE, 11/27/02, by smokey.
  • Re: MY ATTORNEY - MY JUDGE, 11/30/02, by Abused by the system.

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