Posted by been there on 4/28/03
On 1/22/03, BELINDA PEREZ wrote: > I OSST MT LEG DUE TO DOCTORS BAD JUDGEMENT AND I ONLY HAD A > BROKEN LEG.TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT AND I MEAN I HAVE A > VERY LONG STORY.ANYWAY AFTER I SAT IN A WHEELCHAIR FOR > THEREE LONG YEARS AND A FEW ORERATIONS IT WAS DECIDED THAT > THERE WASNT ANYMORE ANYONE COULD DO FOR ME AND I HAD TO > HAVE MY LEG AMPUTATED.THEY EVEN TOOK A MUSLE OUT OF MY > STOMACH AND IT LEFT A BIG HOLE IN MY STOMACH WHICH MAKES MY > STOMACH LOOK DEFORMED.ITS A REAL SHAME THAT AFTER ALL THEY > DID TRYING TO SAVE MY LEG I HAD TO LOSE IT DUE TO THIS SO > CALLED DOCTOR AND THEN A FEW LAWYERS MADE SURE MY STATUES > WERE LEFT RUNNING SO THIS DOCTOR COULD STILL PRATICE.I > DIDNT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT STATUES ALL I KNEW WAS I WAS IN > ALOT OF PAIN ALL THE TIME AND I WASNT THINKING ABOUT WHAT I > NEEDED TO DO TO THIS DOCTOR.NOW IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME AND > IM AFRAID BECAUSE IM NOT ABLE TO WORK BECAUSE MY LEG STILL > HAS PROBLEMS AND IM ALWAYS IN PAIN.IM TRYING TO TAKE CARE > OF MY SON AND MYSELF ON SSI NAD THAT IS NOT FAIR I HAVE TO > LIVE LIKE THIS OVER A DOCTOR LETTING CURODED PLATES IN MY > LEG MAKING AN INFECTION SO BAD I HAD TO LOSE MY LEG.PLEASE > CAN SOMEONE GET BACK WITH ME WITH SOME INFORMATION IN WHAT > I COULD DO TO TO THHESE LAWYERS AND DOCTOR.NOBODY SOULD > HAVE GO THRU WHAT I DID AND GO THRU WHAT IM STILL GOING > THRU.THANK-YOU BELINDA(510)569-1005 Go thru the AMA and file charges against the doctor, Get a lawyer and file malpractice suits against him. As for your pain, find a good pain clinic or rehabilitation doctor to help you out. It sounds like you got a raw deal. You know, you can sue lawyers for malpractice too. Get another opinion on your case and see if something else can be done. It isnot right that doctors who are that incompetent are allowed to continue practicing. If you can get back into court, try to make it part of your settlement requirements that the doctor be sanctioned and his liscense revoked if possible. File complaints about him and your care with the insurance boards and with Medicare and Medicaid -- they take doctor errors and incompetence very seriously. I'm sure you have one of these since you are getting SSI. Whatever you do, do it quickly because you can't let the statute of limitations pass. Really consider suing the lawyers for malpractice in not representing your interests, they may have just accepted whatever the doctor and his insurance offered and not even fought in your behalf. That happens a lot. Check and see if you can get help through the Americans with Disabilities or other organizations. There are a lot of consumer help groups out there. If you need medications and cannot afford it, try getting it directly from the manufacturer for no or little cost to you. There may be a local nonprofit organization that can help you with that. Ask your pharmacist or doctor to help you contact the drug companies. If you suffer from depression, which I am sure you do, check out your state's equivalent of the mental health and mental retardation department -- they can help with both a doctor and medications. pain can be controlled, but you have to go to the right doctors for it. If you don't like the pain clinic you tried, look for another. I went through 5 clinics before I found the right one, that got me mostly out of my wheelchair and able to do activities of daily living for myself, a big relief to me. Good luck and God bless.
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- Re: WHAT CAN BE DONE, 4/28/03, by been there.