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    Re: the differents between a attorney and (esq) esquire

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 5/05/03

    Dear Dave,

    The term "esquire" has several definitions in WEBSTER'S
    NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY DICTIONARY, but the one that I think
    best defines the term as used in the United States is that
    of "a title of courtesy placed after a man's surname
    corresponding, more ceremoniously, to MR." Anybody that is a
    gentleman that you want to pay a little honor to, you may
    call him "esquire". It is even common today for people to
    refer to some women lawyers as "esquire". Usually, the term
    is applied only to lawyers, but not necessarily so. You can
    call anybody you want "esquire". I like to call non lawyers
    esquire sometimes, hoping to make them feel good and
    important. Also, you talked about thinking about getting
    another lawyer. I assume you have already hired this person
    that you call "esquire". Your lawyer can discuss whatever he
    wants with you. Lawyers sometimes do not like to begin
    guessing what they might get out of a case early in the
    handling of it, for they run the risk that they might
    estimate the settlement value of the case too high and create
    an unreal expectation on the part of the client; and then if
    they predict a small sum, the client may then become nervous
    and want to discharge the lawyer. I never did like to begin
    to predict what I might get out of a case for those very
    reasons. Frankly, I do not think there is any thing
    unethical about a lawyer's giving his client some idea of
    what the client might expect out of a case. After all, it is
    the lawyer's job to be familiar with the subject of Damages
    and to study cases so that he might know what the courts and
    juries are awarding by way of quantum of damages in cases
    tried, and what the appeals courts are sustaining as a proper
    amount of damages. Now that is just my opinion, but it is
    based on many years of experience, and I have been called
    upon many times by clients to tell them what I expect we can
    get out of an accident damage case. As I say, I do not like
    to play a guessing game, however. I usually say that a client
    gets paid according to how bad he is injured, and he proves
    how bad he is injured out of the mouth of a doctor and/or
    from the doctor's records and/or report(s); and, as a general
    rule, the longer you are under the doctor's are, the more
    money you are going to get; and that it wouldn't matter if a
    train ran over you, if you don't go to the doctor, you are
    not going to get any money. Now that is a little hyperbole,
    but it is pretty much true. An accident case has to be
    built, nurtured and prepared for trial or settlement. So do
    not get scared just because your lawyer does not want to
    begin predicting what he may be able to get you on the case.
    Usually, lawyers have a pretty good nose for smelling out
    money; and if it is there to get, they will get it. Usually,
    they work on a percentage, and the more they get you, the
    more they get for themselves; and clients usually don't care
    what the lawyer makes, just what they clear after the lawyer
    and all bills are paid; and when a settlement offer is made,
    the lawyer will put the pencil to it and tell you what you
    will clear on it after his fee and all bills are paid; and if
    you don't like the bottom line, you do not have to sign the
    settlement; and you will still hve your lawsuit. Best of


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    On 5/05/03, dave prince wrote:
    > two questions .First what is the differents between a
    > attorney and Esq. esquire . after the name ? Second I
    > talked to a esq about a personal injury case (auto)
    > settlement, I'm not going in to this with out legal
    > representation. I asked him a question. With this type of
    > injury what is the average $$$$ , he would not say. I'm not
    > comfortable with this answer. Is he giving me a bum steer
    > or if I goto a different attorney will I hear the same
    > story.Is this common practice. I may change attorney or may
    > not.Thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • the differents between a attorney and (esq) esquire , 5/05/03, by dave prince.
  • Re: the differents between a attorney and (esq) esquire , 5/05/03, by Sir.
  • Re: the differents between a attorney and (esq) esquire , 5/05/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: the differents between a attorney and (esq) esquire , 5/06/03, by Thomas Hrouda, Attorney.

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