Post: when to fire a lawyer and go elsewhere? (probate in Okla)
Posted by julie m on 5/10/03
What a great board I have found! Maybe someone can help me with this decision: In Aug 02 my father died and we, the adult children, met with a lawyer to start probate. In short, it's been 8 mos now and I have been unhappy with his service, and not sure if things are being done in the best for me or for him. I was assigned by the court as the PR on Jan 3, 03 and yet the lawyer has not filed a Notice to Creditors. I've also taken off work to get papers from his office then have to wait an hour to have them re-printed correctly. This past Thurs he didn't meet me for an appt I scheduled. I expect probate to take a little while but how do I know if the lawyer is draggin his heels and not "working" for me? Thanks so much!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- when to fire a lawyer and go elsewhere? (probate in Okla), 5/10/03, by julie m.
- Re: PS - it's intestate (no will), 5/10/03, by Julie.
- Re: when to fire a lawyer, 5/11/03, by sharwinston.
- Re: PS - it's intestate (no will), 7/23/03, by collard.